Copywrite infringement?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Can I get sued if there is a website named and I register the domain

It depends on a lot of different things such as if the .com is a registered trademark, if it's a generic name like your example I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Of course I wouldn't recommend making a .net site similar to the .com site in any regards.

But, no matter what, there's always that chance that the .com owner could try to do something..
How effective would it be to buy out and then have it parked to redirect to my site to increase my own traffic? Maybe would buy from me.

And yes, the real example is a trademarked domain.
Maybe would buy from me.
And yes, the real example is a trademarked domain.

Or maybe they would just sue you and take the domain from you while making you pay them a sum of monies...

Not worth the risk, IMHO.
Cybersquatting is illegal and punishable by death in China.
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Or maybe they would just sue you and take the domain from you while making you pay them a sum of monies...

Not worth the risk, IMHO.
Cybersquatting is illegal and punishable by death in China.

Sound advice my man. What gives them the right to own those domains if they have not purchased them though?
What gives them the right to own those domains if they have not purchased them though?

You can't expect them to register every single domain possibility... that's not reasonable. Although I think they should register the main TLD's of them but that's just me.
You definitely could get sued. Will you get sued? May be, maybe not. Typically they'll send you a desist letter. Roll your die.