Cops n Wizards - WTF

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He made his point and then he should have put his clothes back on. Indecent exposure laws. I pay my taxes so those bitches are enforced.
HAHAHAHAHAAH Lol...thats some funny crap. BTW was it cold that day or did his magic make his penis dissapear
He pushed it, he deserved every beat down, shock and kick he got. I'm thinking they would have let him walk away if he would have just put his clothing back on when they asked the first time. at first it didn't seem like they had intentions to arrest him.

You can't play cops they will always get the last laugh, in this case he deserved it
Dude his penis is tiny. Holy shit, hahahahaha

And alright nvm, those cops were retarded. Isn't there a procedure you can perform to disarm a man and handcuff him with 3 people jesus...
The point isn't how many cops or how big they are, He disrespected them and he was clearly breaking the law examples need to be made to keep the peace he's lucky all he got was a couple of kicks and shocks.. i'm not a fan of cops but if i were in their position. i would have gave it to him a lot harder
It's obvious why it happened, didn't you guys catch the crotch grab? While they were on him he managed to grab handle full of balls of one of the cops. That was the cop that stood back and wiped out the tazor, sqeeze a guys balls and he will tazor your ass.
that dude should have been knocked out for being such a fag and making everyone look at that shit, but c'mon 3 cops can't take subdue a naked guy? they're even bigger faggots than he is. crowd should have rioted instead of standing there. btw, was that @ coachella?
The naked dude got what he deserved. The cops were cool with him for the first couple minutes, then he decided to be a retard and not put on his cloths. Then he resisted arrest. fuck yeah he needed to be tazed.
That sh*t was hilarious. That dude's got baby dick syndrome. I can't believe all those asshats in the crowd were booing. I would be cheering the cops on for making that crazy f*cker put his damn clothes back on.

Concert or no concert, who the f*ck in their right mind wants to see some crazy dude naked... now a chick (with a nice bod), well, in that case I would be booing the cops too.
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