Copeac custom landing pages

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New member
May 11, 2007
Does anybody know if it's ok to build your own custom landing page to promote a Copeac campaign? I'd like to have my own in order to get a higher QS for my keywords.

I've emailed Copeac of course, but if I can get an answer here today, I'd appreciate.


you can build a page but make sure you arent misrepresenting the offer, you might want to run it by your AM before you go live to make sure its OK
What Mike means is you should include lots of frees & no-costs when promoting ringtones, so you get a good QS on free ringtone keywords*.

* Not ;)

Mike, any idea when gottaplay will get back on? And is taxbrain pulled for good?
What Mike means is you should include lots of frees & no-costs when promoting ringtones, so you get a good QS on free ringtone keywords*.

* Not ;)

Mike, any idea when gottaplay will get back on? And is taxbrain pulled for good?

i dont know what gottaplay is, tax brain will be back in december. the payout was lowered to $1 so we decided to drop it until it increases again
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