Cop punches this chick in the face!


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Not sure if this has already been posted yet, but just in case it hasnt i had to share this video. I was shocked at first, and then just couldnt help but laugh...

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

If they allowed police to use nets and taser guns, shit like this wouldn't happen.

Also, why didn't he have a partner? I thought cops traveled in pairs.
I hate everyone involved in that video

Stupid fuckheads swinging at cop. Moronic douche cop arresting chicks for jaywalking. I hope she gets charged and the pig get shitcanned.
That is funny the cop cant even handcuff her at the end.. He should have shot mace and then tazed her until she foamed at the mouth.

If you look at .08 she pushed him and her hand came close to his face, he then gave her a very wimpy swing back.. He should he suspended for throwing such a pussy swing nothing more.
"Are you Serious! Are You Serious? Are you Serious"

Seriously Seattle cops don't play man. I think it's funny how long it took him to handcuff her though.

he should have taken her to the ground,much easier to cuff someone that way. Without back up its tough to cuff someone standing up even sum crazy chick...
It shouldn't have taken that porker so long to cuff the bitch, he wasn't well trained obviously.