Cop cars exploding + anarchy in downtown Toronto


(M)ad Man
Oct 31, 2007
Anyone see this on the news? I'm in Vancouver and it's breaking news right now, not exactly sure of the details yet but there's riots going on in downtown Toronto. There seems to be hundreds of cops spread throughout several blocks, but there's literally areas with a crapload of people just rioting and zero cops around. There's also a cop car flaming in the middle of the street with people running up to it and hitting it with bats and kicking it, etc..

Apparently it has something to do with the G20 Summit going on over there and seems that this may have been caused by some protesters, but at this point I could be way off.

Check this out:

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Apparently it has something to do with the G20 Summit going on over there and seems that this may have been caused by some protesters, but at this point I could be way off.

I wish the liberals and/or NDP would've managed this all.

... There's no need to spend so much money on security.

Oh wait.
Fucking Canadians.

I was watching it earlier today, they all look like they're homeless or dying of some type of disease. These summits really bring out the top shelf citizenry of the hosting country.

Oh well, at least it's Canada's failure citizens on TV this time and not Pittsburgh's, America had our fill of global embarrassment last year.

Funny thing is half these losers are almost certainly on some type of welfare or state aide because they're too fucking stupid and incompetent to care for themselves. Meh.
I was watching it earlier today, they all look like they're homeless or dying of some type of disease. These summits really bring out the top shelf citizenry of the hosting country.


Funny thing is half these losers are almost certainly on some type of welfare or state aide because they're too fucking stupid and incompetent to care for themselves. Meh.

This, too.

I've talked to a few people who have condos right downtown and they've all said the police are doing a good job containing them in one area. There's 20,000 police officers and 80,000 RCMP so it shouldn't be that big of a problem.
Nothing says don't tread on me to the global elite like setting fire to a squad car paid for by your city's police department and local tax payers.
Funny Thing - I live only a few minutes away from where this is happening, and I haven't heard a thing all day. It seems as though the police are doing a good job of containing it to a small area...
This is what you get with the anarchist, socialist, communist, liberal fucks. I say spray them all with a fuckin 50 cal.
Ohh geez, a guy waving a Canadian flag with a pot leaf on it instead of the maple leaf. These people make me sooo proud to be Canadian. Ugh.
This is what you get with the anarchist, socialist, communist, liberal fucks. I say spray them all with a fuckin 50 cal.

Do you know the meaning of the word anarchy?

Libertarians are technically anarchists.

Although anarchists share a rejection of the state, they differ about economic arrangements and possible rules that would prevail in a stateless society, ranging from no ownership, to complete common ownership, to supporters of private property and capitalist free market competition. For example, some forms of anarchism, such as that of anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism or anarcho-syndicalism not only seek rejection of the state, but also other systems which they perceive as authoritarian, which include capitalism, capitalist markets, and title-based property ownership. In opposition, a political philosophy known as free-market anarchism, contemporary individualist anarchism or anarcho-capitalism, argues that a society without a state is a free market capitalist system that is voluntarist in nature.
When will they learn that a simple skype conference will do just fine?
I don't get why the G20 meetings always end up with retarded shit like this

Yep I would appreciate an explanation as well. Then again I don't get why when an ethnic individual gets killed, beat up, jailed, etc. a crowd of the same ethnicity riots in there own neighborhood. Looting there own stores, burning their own cars. I don't think mob mentality totally explains the original out break.
Yep I would appreciate an explanation as well. Then again I don't get why when an ethnic individual gets killed, beat up, jailed, etc. a crowd of the same ethnicity riots in there own neighborhood. Looting there own stores, burning their own cars. I don't think mob mentality totally explains the original out break.

I have an explanation. Most people are fucking retarded.
Peaceful Protests happen here EVERY DAY in Toronto, as they do in most major cities. The difference is they have NEVER been violent since like 1985 or some shit. The few hundred thugs causing all the trouble are here simply to do that, cause trouble and violence. They mix into the crowd and hide their faces using the mob as protection. There are thousands of people trying to do peaceful protests which is a right for everyone.