cool shit about ovulation


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
So this one slightly fucked with me at first, but I guess it makes sense.

5. You Can Smell When She’s Ovulating

Your body will ramp up the testosterone whenever you smell a woman who is ovulating.
Adding to findings that men prefer the smell of women who are more fertile, a study published last year in the journal Psychological Science found that testosterone levels were higher in men after they smelled T-shirts worn by ovulating women than after smelling T-shirts worn by women who weren’t ovulating. –(Source)
If this doesn’t open up someone’s eyes to show them that men are designed to seek out and fuck women, then I don’t know what will. You’re welcome.

From: Seven Facts Every Man Should Know About Ovulation | The Super Redneck



If this doesn’t open up someone’s eyes to show them that men are designed to seek out and fuck women, then I don’t know what will. You’re welcome.

If you're looking for scientific evidence that men are designed to multi-fuck, you should check out the Coolidge Effect.

It's a tough pill to swallow for those wanting a long-term relationship/marriage, but unfortunately that's the way it is.
Guys actually smell chicks worn t-shirts?

Damn, and I thought my love of panty sniffing was weird.

If you're looking for scientific evidence that men are designed to multi-fuck, you should check out the Coolidge Effect.

It's a tough pill to swallow for those wanting a long-term relationship/marriage, but unfortunately that's the way it is.

Humans have proven to be adaptably monagamous and that's to the benefit of society (tighter family structure, less beta males getting shut out from pussy and therefore shutting down their productivity)

Man was also designed to fight others and get violent when angry, doesn't make it beneficial for species development.

IMO guys are having a hard time with respect to marriage not because of primitive instinct, but because of feminism's endorsement of female sexual agency, which results in hamsterish hypergamy (average/ordinary women thinking they deserve/expect Brad Pitt at their doorstep with roses, and never wanting to settle.)
Who the fuck cares if you can smell the chick ovulating?

If she gives you fuck me eyes, plays with her hair, bites her lips and rubs her boobs against your arm that's telltale enough.

Oh wait, better smell her crotch like a asshole-sniffing dog just to make sure. Lolz
[ame=""]I can smell your cunt - YouTube[/ame]

This is old news, I've been cycling sniffing shirts that have been ovulated all over for years. Gettin' huge, bra.