Cool drinks to order in Vegas

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New member
Mar 29, 2007
I'll be in Vegas over the weekend to celebrate my 21'st. Since my knowledge of alcohol can be summed up by beer, jack and coke, and a mojito..

I need to know some cool drinks to order in a bar. After all, if I'm gonna pay 12$ for a drink they might as well work.

Don't order a Mojito man.

First rule of drinking: Only drink top shelf. That will let you savor the taste more, as well as keep nasty Vegas hangovers at bay. Secondly, drink a glass of water with every 2-3 drinks. Vegas is in a desert, so you'll get dehydrated faster than you normally do (unless, well, you live in a desert).

Anyways... In terms of good drinks, usually the simpler the better. Fancy concoctions are usually ghey, not to mention the sugar will add to your hangovery-ness.

I suggest...

1. Bacardi Limon on the rocks with a splash of water. Drinks smooth and has a good kick.

2. Gray Goose Citron & Redbull / Rockstar. Keep the buzz happening.

3. Sapphire & Tonic. A classic. Tart yet refreshing.

4. Only found at a few bars, but the best ones will have it. Jean Marc XO Vodka. On the rocks. Don't add a damned thing to it.
Jack Daniels and Ginger Ale - can drink em all night long...
7 & 7 is another good beginner drink...

To be probably dont want to spend 21 +1 day puking your guts out...just have a good time...

I remember 2 real nice young ladies who I met that night (also in Vegas) who volunteered to help celebrate my 21st...gotta say I am glad I was not shitfaced for that....
Jean Marc XO is great vodka, expensive and hard to find though.

Are you looking for drinks that will get you drunk fast or put on a show or both?

Simple is a lot of times better, a lot of the complex drinks are very girl friendly and the sugar will get to you after you down several. This is not a rule, but a general guideline. Although if you haven't touched this type of thing much, it will be like juice/candy. Don't have more than a few in a night. Simple drinks will become more satisfying once you've become more experienced with different drinks.

You could try some bombs. These are drinks that are a pint of say beer then a shot of liquor dropped in and you drink it all quickly. Irish Car Bombs, Jager Bombs are alright (jager dropped in red bull). I forget what whiskey dropped in beer is called. Often these drinks are supposed to emulate a taste like dr pepper or even apple sauce.

Any shooters will work well.

You can't go wrong with Long Island Iced Teas and derivative drinks like Adios Motherfucker (called Code Blue some places), Tokyo Iced Tea, Long Beach Iced Tea, Los Angeles Iced Tea, etc. They have a lot of alcohol and (therefore) less sugary/fruity ingredients than most cocktails but still taste amazing if made right.

For showy drinks try something that is lit on fire like Flaming Lamborghini.

Don't ask the bartender for a random shot or "shot of anything." You'll probably get a shot poured from the spill mat or one of the disgusting but funny (at your expense) shots. Sometimes when douchy frat boys show up to my house or somebody's being an asshole I'll give them Cement Mixer shots (mostly Bailey's and a little lemon or lime juice). Tell them to mix it in their mouth before swallowing and the lemon juice curdles the cream in the Bailey's. Good for a laugh.
I remember being at a bar in college and some frat boy ordered a flaming something and caught his hair on fire for a couple seconds. Hilarious.

Coming from Boston, when I go to Vegas I need to do everything possible to stay awake so I usually drink RedBull+Vodka. That being said, I almost always regret it in the morning. Vodka+Tonic is my other mainstay.

If you're going with people (which you undoubtedly are) you probably won't have a chance to order any drinks because they're going to be shoving them in your face all night.

Good luck. You'll need it.
Vegas Rocks. My drink of choice in Hennessy and Coke. And a great night club I have always had a lot of fun in is Studio 54 in the MGM. Have fun!
Actually Jay brings up a good point about Studio 54. If you like midwestern girls (a little more plain but still cute and out for a good time) that's one of the best spots to go to. Don't ask me why every time I go I end up meeting some girl-next-door type from Minnesota or Kansas or something, but it just happens that way.

The best part about Studio 54 is their great bottle prices. Their entry-level bottles run as low as like $220 per bottle. So, you buy a table for $100, 2 bottles for $440, tip about $120, and you've got yourself a great party for 8 people for under $100 a head.

I don't go clubbing in Vegas unless we get a table. No lines, always a good view, great place to pull chicks, and it's only marginally more expensive than ordering from the bar.
... No lines, always a good view, great place to pull chicks, and it's only marginally more expensive than ordering from the bar.

No lines?? Nah, ya need to stick a few lines up ya nose too! :D

Have a few TVR's for me...... Tequila, Vodka & Redbull.... evil shit... but it gives you wings!
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