Convo w/IM Spammer


Press Releaser
Apr 12, 2008
Troll Forest, AR
I must've been tired as fuck not to be sure about what was going on a little sooner. Ah well.

CaptainCaptain: creative name
hotblondie_1986: Leanne, Just call me Dana
CaptainCaptain: Just call me Michael Jackson
hotblondie_1986: I cant call right now babe, my cam show doesnt end for another 20 min or so..
CaptainCaptain: tha's okay mine doesn't end until 5 o'clock
hotblondie_1986: hey, i had you on my list...
CaptainCaptain: it takes that long to take the banana out and get it clean again
hotblondie_1986: ummm whos this??
CaptainCaptain: ummmmm you hit me up, don't you know?
hotblondie_1986: how do u know me?
CaptainCaptain: you've got to be kidding me
hotblondie_1986: ohhh ok cool hun sorry so whats up
CaptainCaptain: do you use green bananas or red?
hotblondie_1986: so how old are u again?
CaptainCaptain: old enough to get spammed
hotblondie_1986: well im sammy 24...
CaptainCaptain: you're sammy?
CaptainCaptain: sammy the cammy?
CaptainCaptain: holy shit i thought
CaptainCaptain: you were
CaptainCaptain: someone else
hotblondie_1986: so whats up what u up too??
CaptainCaptain: holy shit you're famous!
hotblondie_1986: cool well im just here doing nothin like always no plans yet...
hotblondie_1986: what's wrong?
hotblondie_1986: what's wrong?
CaptainCaptain: what's wrong?
hotblondie_1986: so did u enjoy the weekend?
CaptainCaptain: yeah but i'm still walking like a damn cowboy
hotblondie_1986: cool!! so were u a nice boy or a naughty boy????
CaptainCaptain: i rode it justlike daddy told me to
hotblondie_1986: lol thats nice
CaptainCaptain: who is this anyway?
CaptainCaptain: i don't remember where we met
hotblondie_1986: well i was kinda a naughty gurl this year lol...
hotblondie_1986: so what u do for fun?
CaptainCaptain: capture midgets and put them in cages
CaptainCaptain: poke them with sticks
hotblondie_1986: well me i like 2 just hang with friends and be a naughty gurl like i said i been one this year lol
hotblondie_1986: so u have a cam? i mean i kinda wanna see more of u if u dont mind
CaptainCaptain: i h ave a cam but it's in the trunk of my car
CaptainCaptain: with the midgets
hotblondie_1986: its up to u i have one so maybe we can cam2cam if u want or you can watch me
hotblondie_1986: im just trying to kill time there isnt much to do right now
CaptainCaptain: you're a bot, aren't you?
CaptainCaptain: here i thought i was fuckin' with somebody's head
hotblondie_1986: Like a transformer robot?? what the hell are u talking about?
CaptainCaptain: you're either a bot or else you're really dumb
hotblondie_1986: whats a bot?
CaptainCaptain: something made of cheese
hotblondie_1986: OK but my cam is a adult cam all u have to do is verify that you 18 and up? imma give u my code to go in for free k
CaptainCaptain: HOLY SHIT FOR FREE!
CaptainCaptain: OMG!
hotblondie_1986: Ok heres the link and code dont give it though this is for your eyes only thats my link scroll down and click on the friends of sammy thing, sexygyrl is my password to get you in free, just verify age ok?
CaptainCaptain: LURZ!
hotblondie_1986: quick question....what u want me to wear a thong or boy shorts??
hotblondie_1986: k, love... so make sure u putin the code in ok babe so u wont pay anything except age verification
CaptainCaptain: i want you to wear nothing but the scalp of the last priest choked with the colon of the last king
hotblondie_1986: the site is all automated, so it safe because its a secure site so noone can see or do anythin with ur info ok let me know when you have a username im gonna get ready
CaptainCaptain: sprachen de english?
hotblondie_1986: alright
CaptainCaptain: dutsch?
hotblondie_1986: are you in yet?
CaptainCaptain: not in yet
CaptainCaptain: need more lube
hotblondie_1986: so log in babe copy and paste the user and pass
hotblondie_1986: alright babe u should of gotten a congrats page with ur username and password and it should say succesful age verication in there click on that link and then copy and paste ur username and password to log in
hotblondie_1986: when you are logged in, go ahead and log in to the members area and then click on LiveCams at the top left
CaptainCaptain: i dn't have a credit card
CaptainCaptain: idt was stolen by gorillas
hotblondie_1986: Once you click my pic, go ahead and enter a nickname and be creative put something like donkeydick sexyhung or naughtydick lol something creative u know
CaptainCaptain: che gorillas
hotblondie_1986: k babe so whats ur nickname in my room so i can know its u
CaptainCaptain: donkydick
hotblondie_1986: aight babe wel type in my room so we can talk in my room and we can have some fun now
CaptainCaptain: treasure donkey
hotblondie_1986: aight babe well ur already added on my here so we can talk more after the show k love
CaptainCaptain: loot donkey
CaptainCaptain: that is what you bring to the dungeon
hotblondie_1986: k tty in here love
hotblondie_1986 is typing a message.
hotblondie_1986: hey, i had you on my list...
CaptainCaptain: a loot donkey
hotblondie_1986: ummm whos this??
CaptainCaptain: hey, i had you on mylist...
CaptainCaptain: ummm who is this??
CaptainCaptain: holy shit
CaptainCaptain: fuckin bots
CaptainCaptain: the most advanced AI i've ever talked to
CaptainCaptain: is spamming me to join a goddamn cam site
CaptainCaptain: fuck

That's one of the most advanced AI's I've seen those IM spammers use - gonna have to steal those responses. The only time it ever referred back to something you said was when you mentioned "bot" - everything else was just pre-programmed.