Converting elephantblog CMS to Wordpress


New member
Mar 6, 2007
I have just taken over a few sites that use the Elephantblog software, used by sites like Welcome - What Would Tyler Durden Do: Celeb gossip, rumors, scandals, pictures and videos. Its all driven from a MYSQL database.

My question is this: Has anyone converted another CMS to Wordpress and is it even worth it? Since I'll be redesigning the site anyway I thought it would be a good opportunity to move it to a CMS I am more familiar with and that has some more out of the box functionality.

Uh, yeah. Seeing how the site you linked to has this in the header:

<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.7.1" />

I'd say you're just dropping a link, in what you thought was a clever way.
I thought WWTDD still used Elephantblog, my bad. The question still exists on converting to Wordpress from another non-standard CMS though.