Converting An Established Site To CMS..........

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
I have a site that after a year is finally starting to rank and is getting a fair ammount of traffic naturally. The problem is this site is one of my first and ive made some mistakes along the way, one of which is that I have so much information now, with allot more to ad and the site is static, using a CMS would be much more logical, which is what id like to do, but on the other hand I dont want to fuck myself out of the rankings that took so long to achieve. Is there anyway to convert a medium sized site to using a CMS without fucking the sites rankings? I know URLs will have to be changed, but the sites content will be the same, is it worth the risk? should I just wing it or should I convert and if so do any of you have any suggestions, tips, warnings.......

Thank you Jer

use a cms which you can set the urls and use 301 redirects either in htaccess or php page headers to redirect from your old pages to your new.
yeah, definitely make it cms. Just use it regularly and add new content, and might actually help.

Just did this recently, and I'm on page2 still.
I know I talk allot of shit about Worpress being my CMS of choice, but ive decided to give joomla a run with this project, and what im going to do is convert another site that I have within the same niche that get about half the traffic and makes about half as much, but is another site none the less that I will be in the same situation with in the near future. So ill pratice with this one and see what happens, if everything goes well, then I will take the same risk with the bigger site.
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