CONTENT That SELLS -Auto Responders, Sales Letters & More

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Dec 27, 2011
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*If you were looking for our Webcontent/SEO Content Service Please Click Here:

I'm proud to announce a killer, brand-spanking-new pillar to our content creation services...

Content That Sells

...where razor sharp copy to boost your sales to the stratosphere is just one click away.

Our first service is Auto Responder/News Letter Writing.

*We will be adding additional services in the coming days from short/long sales letters to brochures and more.

***Auto Responder/Newsletter Writing***

We're launching this service off with possibly the most important one of them all: email copywriting.

Having a big list is akin to having a cash spitting money machine that coughs up dollar bills whenever you tickle its send button.

But a poorly written email can lead to an irreparable malfunction that can destroy your business over night.

Talk about depreciating assets, huh?

Yet, when handled with care and tact your list becomes the backbone of your business, an asset unrivalled by any other you may own. Appreciating in value every time a new subscriber clicks that opt in button and follows your links through, ready to buy.

So why let us handle one of the, if not THE highest leverage aspect of your business writing for you?

Because some of the biggest names in the industry have trusted our copywriters with their own marketing copies.

Like who?

Russell Brunson, Stephen Pierce, Paul Hartunian, A.J. Brown, Cody Moya, Mr X...​ just name a few of the guys our writers have written copy for.​

We're sure you've heard of a few of them before. Even my mother knows Russel Brunson and she'd probably believe you if you told her that the "iStone" was a best-selling Apple product.

Below you will find links to 2 sample email auto responders written by our copywriters.

Auto-responder 1.pdf
Auto-responder 2.pdf

So what are we charging and why should you pay it?

Our introductory rates are:

$57 flat for short emails of 600 words or less. (200-600 on average depending on your needs. Typically used affiliate plugs, etc)

$97 for longer, 700-1200 word newsletters.

TAT: Up to 5 days. We're more concerned with giving you sizzling hot copy then rushing these out the door half cooked.

So is it worth it?

Let's put it this way...

Do you think a professional email copy written by one of the industry's most prolific and sough after ghost writers would net you more $ales the next time you press the send button?

If you're not a copywriter you shouldn't even consider braving the stormy waters of writing copy yourself, or worse, handing it off to amateurs who couldn't give a damn what happens after the sale. The last thing you want to worry about at night is the idea of waking up the next morning with an tirade of angry emails and unsubsribe notifications.

An email list is too valuable an asset to risk burning to the ground with that one wrong word or miscommunicated sentence or idea.

Yet, one single, effectively communicated email can net you several thousand dollars, or in some cases tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight. -Some of the clients our writers have worked with have had emails that brought in such a obscene amount of money in a single day that it probably dwarfs the net worth of the average American family.

Email Marketing is something you want to get right the first time -because if your copy pushes the wrong buttons your list may return the favor by pushing the unsubscribe one. Our writers know how to knock it out of the park and they never fail a home run.

This is the BEST team online for affordable yet high end (Just look at some of the names our writers have worked with) auto responder copy. I don't care where else you look -whether it be on these or other forums, Linked in, or pouring over the top 10 pages of Google -it doesn't matter, because unless you have John Carlton chained up in your back office you aren't going to find a better deal then this.

PS: Depending on the response we will be creating a subscription service for sequences (one a week, one a day, etc) which will offer discounts for long term, steady customers. At the moment the offer is on an email by email basis to gauge public response.

PSS: We will be adding several new services during the coming week. Check in often to catch them.

Phillips Pierce

How many 600 word emails for $57? One? Ten?

It's one.

These are painstakingly written emails designed for high conversion and list retention, written by one of the best shadow copywriters in the industry.

5 x 600 word auto responders are $197 (almost $100 off)
We have added an additional option of short email copy (affiliate product broadcasts, list reminders.)

$37 for ~150-200 words.
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