Content Sites Vs. Landing Pages

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New member
Feb 13, 2008
How many people are moving towards content sites with attached LP's, instead of just the usual standalone LP.

I think most affiliates go about half way - make it look like it has content for the Big G, but really it bridges from the ad to the sign up page.
I think most affiliates go about half way - make it look like it has content for the Big G, but really it bridges from the ad to the sign up page.

This is what I'm doing. The index page is the 'landing page', but at the bottom navigation I have links to articles I've had written for the site, a privacy policy, terms and conditions, contact, etc.
Starting off a campaign I'll do the landing page with 10 articles, quality score stuff, etc.

If the campaign has potential/successful then start turning it into a content site with weekly articles.
Yeah html here. Maybe someone could elaborate on the fact that I hear a lot people have wordpress blogs attached to their landing pages to keep google happy.
Yeah I use Wordpress on all of mine.

I install and "launch" the blog a couple of days prior. Add some unique posts, get them pinged around the net, add some internal links, etc.

Then I build custom landing pages as separate .php files that interlink to the About, Privacy and Contact-Us of the blog. Sometimes footer-linked to one of the blogs posts and an external link or two.
Yeah I use Wordpress on all of mine.

I install and "launch" the blog a couple of days prior. Add some unique posts, get them pinged around the net, add some internal links, etc.

Then I build custom landing pages as separate .php files that interlink to the About, Privacy and Contact-Us of the blog. Sometimes footer-linked to one of the blogs posts and an external link or two.

Do you find the blog improves quality score on your landing pages?
half way for damn sure. 1 page wonders are not too easy to pull off these days.
before launch an adwords campaign I make sure to have fresh articles and get indexed by google, since is more fast i use HTML pages no wordpress.
Yeah I use Wordpress on all of mine.

I install and "launch" the blog a couple of days prior. Add some unique posts, get them pinged around the net, add some internal links, etc.

Then I build custom landing pages as separate .php files that interlink to the About, Privacy and Contact-Us of the blog. Sometimes footer-linked to one of the blogs posts and an external link or two.

Ok, so do you use a landing page that's a wordpress post or page, or have a custom landing page that doesn't match the site's theme?

Edit: adding third option of html page that does match WP site's theme. :)
Ok, so do you use a landing page that's a wordpress post or page, or have a custom landing page that doesn't match the site's theme?

Edit: adding third option of html page that does match WP site's theme. :)

Anyone? What style of landing pages do you add to your WP sites? Do you build pages or posts or completely different pages? Do they match the look of the rest of the site?
Ok, so do you use a landing page that's a wordpress post or page, or have a custom landing page that doesn't match the site's theme?

Edit: adding third option of html page that does match WP site's theme. :)

I think what he is saying is he has a normal landing page BUT in the footer you include a link to a blog installed on the same domain which has 10-15 articles indexed articles on it. If you want to go the extra mile you could schedule articles to be added every day after the launch of your campaign.

With regards to the theme, who gives a fuck its not there for the user its there for the QS algorithm which doesnt assess the pretty colours and layout of your site. Don't waste time uploading cool themes to the blog and making it look good. Just launch the blog and post all your articles in it.

Additionally to all of this you should make sure that you dynamically insert content directly onto your landing page that relates to the ad keyword. I have a cool script from PPC Coach which inserts a load of related text from a seed keyword onto the landing page below the fold and I use a bit of nifty javascript to hide the content from the user. This gives me an additional QS boost.
Does anyone put an article ON the LP? So you have your LP with the offer big button etc... then right below the nice graphic you have nicely written article about the niche (or kw) and then another big button to sign-up?
Does anyone put an article ON the LP? So you have your LP with the offer big button etc... then right below the nice graphic you have nicely written article about the niche (or kw) and then another big button to sign-up?

Yes, some people read that shit and it can help with pre-sell if you spend some time on it.
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