Content on Web 2.0s/ Mininets


New member
May 29, 2009
How important is unique content for web 2.0s that you are using as tier 1 links into your money site?
Will running duplicate content across different 2.0s be a massive issue if their role is purely as a mininet for your site?

I've never really seen the point in using trash content for any aspect of your link building. Just put the time in, or the money into, quality content and if you want the "same" content across all your Web 2.0 properties have someone solid do a spin of the article(s) at word, sentence, and paragraph level (if this is something you can't do yourself, of course).

Running dupe content across any Internet platform will become an issue eventually. Don't fuck up your Internet empire trying to take short-cuts with content. Hope this helps, ozblackjack!