Content Network Question..... Anoter One...

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New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Hello Guys :)

Just a quick question regarding the Google Content Network. Maybe its a basic knowledge question but I dont know the answer. Anyways...

My questions is. Im running a campaign on the CN for a group of keywords targeting "widgets". The campaign is profitable and its sending me good volume. So I was thinking on maybe starting another (new) campaign targeting the same group of keywords so I can maybe doble/increase my profits since Im dominating this "widget" niche.

If I do this (start a new campaign), Is this allowed by google to run 2 campaigns on the content network targeting the same group of keywords?
I would be usinga new website and a new domain.

Or should I just create a new campaignh on a new adwords account?

Thank you in advance for your comments and advice on this...

Nope you can't do that.
If you try to create an additional account to do so; you will be caught sooner or later and suspended.
Hows about getting more keywords? If your category is "widgets" i'm sure you can come up with 20 other KW's related to this.

Try targeting some terms that might be on sights related to widgets....

try targeting some other sites in the same industry....

You may have to do a new LP depending on what your targeting, but u gotta start expanding...
Hows about getting more keywords? If your category is "widgets" i'm sure you can come up with 20 other KW's related to this.

Try targeting some terms that might be on sights related to widgets....

try targeting some other sites in the same industry....

You may have to do a new LP depending on what your targeting, but u gotta start expanding...

To my understanding its better if I keep the groups under 20 keywords when using the content network. This better target my ads and placement. Unless Im mistaken?????

Also my niche is very straight forward and there is not many keyword related to that niche. Thats why I was thinking on just creating anew campaign or account to expand... but since its not allowed I guess I will just stick to the one I have.
To my understanding its better if I keep the groups under 20 keywords when using the content network. This better target my ads and placement. Unless Im mistaken?????

Also my niche is very straight forward and there is not many keyword related to that niche. Thats why I was thinking on just creating anew campaign or account to expand... but since its not allowed I guess I will just stick to the one I have.

Right, keep 20 KW's in an ad group. So "widgets" is one group:
Free widgets
flash widgets
new widgets

But you should create more adgroups targeting other words. You may think your niche is small, and maybe for search it is. But content is a different story. Content is "interruptive" marketing. It's a chance you you to grab their attention and sell them your product. So the idea is to identify your target (male, female? how old? hobbies? interests?). Then "interrupt" them on the sites they visit and sell to them.

So i'll assume your selling widgets for now. And i'll assume your target is 25 male...

Do you have any sports widgets? Football widgets maybe?

Create an adgoup called "football" and some keywords like:
Football stats
football players
nfl football season

Then an ad like

NFL Football Widgets
Up to the second stats, scores & more
100's to choose from. See for yourself

obviously it's just an example. But you get the idea. Your niche is not as small as you think....

So create an
Increase your CTR and it will be as good as starting a new campaign. If your getting a .25% CTR on GCN and test ads to increase that to 1%, it will be like starting 3 new campaigns traffic wise.
Great thread. I have a content campaign I'd like to expand but am not sure if this is the way to do it or not

Niche: Green Tea
Current Ad Group: Green Tea, Wuyi Tea, Green Tea Weight Loss, Green Tea Health Risks, Green Tea Diet, Green Tea Chinese

Can I break this into several adgroups like:

New Adgroup #1: Green Tea
Keywords: Green Tea, Free Green Tea, Best Green Tea, Hot Green Tea, Weight Loss Green Tea, Green Tea Scam

New Adgroup #2: Wuyi Tea
Keywords: Wuyi Tea, Free Wu Yi Tea, Best Wu Yi Tea, Hot Wuyi Tea, Weight Loss Wu Yi Tea, Wuyi Tea Scam

New Adgroup #3: Green Tea Weight Loss
Keywords: Green Tea Weight Loss, Best Green Tea Weight Loss, Hot Green Tea Weight Loss, Green Tea Weight Loss Scam

or is that overkill and I should go wide with the new adgroups:

New Adgroup: Female Weight Loss
Keywords: Female Weight Loss, Women Lose Weight, Diet For Women, etc
Right, keep 20 KW's in an ad group. So "widgets" is one group:
Free widgets
flash widgets
new widgets

But you should create more adgroups targeting other words. You may think your niche is small, and maybe for search it is. But content is a different story. Content is "interruptive" marketing. It's a chance you you to grab their attention and sell them your product. So the idea is to identify your target (male, female? how old? hobbies? interests?). Then "interrupt" them on the sites they visit and sell to them.

So i'll assume your selling widgets for now. And i'll assume your target is 25 male...

Do you have any sports widgets? Football widgets maybe?

Create an adgoup called "football" and some keywords like:
Football stats
football players
nfl football season

Then an ad like

NFL Football Widgets
Up to the second stats, scores & more
100's to choose from. See for yourself

obviously it's just an example. But you get the idea. Your niche is not as small as you think....

So create an

Gordon! Thank you very much for your advice and help. It really helped me open my mind and go for new ideas markets. I was looking at the content network same as search network... and its a completly different market.

I have started a few adgroups and will follow up here on how they perform :)
My content network tips (again)

Here are a few more very important things to consider when running on the CN:

1) Put just as much care into building a good negative keyword list as you do building your regular kw list. The purpose of the negatives is to filter away sites that may have SOME of your words on them - but are irrelevant to your offer.

Remember, there is no exact and phrase match on the CN, so all your keywords are considered broad match by G. So if one of your keywords are "widget investments", your ad may also show up on sites talking about forex investments and property investments. In that case, you need to add "forex" and "property" as negative keywords. This to better target your ads, reduce the amount of curious (but not serious) tire-kickers, increase your CTR and conversion rate.

2) You can actually still have multiple campaigns and adgroups with some of the same keywords used in all of them - just not IDENTICAL adgroups or campaigns.

So one adgroup could be:
"blue widgets"
"gay widgets"
"widgets discounts"
"widget facts"

And another one could be:
"red widgets"
"gay widgets"
"widget facts"
"widget scams"
"holiday widgets"

3) The words you use in your text ad are also considered as part of your keywords to designate where your ad is to be placed. This obviously doesn't count when you're using image ads only.

4) Always keep an eye on your placement reports and weed out sites with abysmal CTRs / conversions.

5) And last but not least - want to add some serious, high-converting traffic to your ads? Set aside a day or two and do some research on what sites you can target with site-targeted campaigns. It can be time-consuming to find a good list of sites or even better; specific pages to target - but it can REALLY pay off. I've found pages that have seen consistent 80% ctr for a very specific offer. ;)

Look for programs like Adsense Finder to find sites that run content network ads. Consider those with adblocks positioned well above the fold and clearly visible. (If you ever tried adsense arbitrage - think of this as reverse engineering that process) ;)

I personally also block certain sites like myspace and right off the bat. They tend to bring nothing but millions of impressions and shitty ctr / no conversions.
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