contact Facebook Social Ads

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New member
Jan 3, 2007
i'm buying ads from facebook but there was a problem with my credit card, so the charge didnt go through and they paused all my ads. ive fixed the cc and re-charged the amount due but all my ads are still paused. i can't unpause them. my account wasn't booted, didn't do anything wrong, just a CC hiccup thats been solved.

very frustrating, their help section is completely useless and can't help. their main phone line is one no one answers. does someone have the phone number to reach someone in social ads? i can't even reply to their email notifying me of the problem since it has a no-reply address. their help section directs me to email info@FB... and I think we all know what kind of speed I'll get on a question to them that way.

took an hour of searching but i managed to answer my own question. no phone number but i found a help section a month old with the same problem and how to solve it.
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