Consultancy / optimalisation firms...?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Im looking for the best IM consultancy en conversion optimalisation firms in the US.

In terms of size and revenue.

I tried to use G, but im not familiar with the market in the US / int.

Can you help me out? :thumbsup:

There are several things you must know before starting your search for conversion optimalisation firms in the US. Conversion optimalisation is a highly sought service so due dilligence is a must. Before you proceed ask yourself, "What are my requirements for conversion optimalisation firm?" Once you know this answer you will be ready to hire a respected conversion optimalisation firm in the US.
I only deal with conversionalisation when your futuristical optimalisational metricostics fail the accuratical returnalisations.
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There are several things you must know before starting your search for conversion optimalisation firms in the US. Conversion optimalisation is a highly sought service so due dilligence is a must. Before you proceed ask yourself, "What are my requirements for conversion optimalisation firm?" Once you know this answer you will be ready to hire a respected conversion optimalisation firm in the US.

Listen to this guy. He helped optimalise my coversional excretionary to over zero less than 1 times.
Im looking for the best IM consultancy en conversion optimalisation firms in the US.

In terms of size and revenue.

I tried to use G, but im not familiar with the market in the US / int.

Can you help me out? :thumbsup:

Start out by using common sense.

Put together an excel sheet of you and your competitors. Compare. Then ask your clients why they bought from you.

An example could be:

Price of X - Toll Free - 24/7? - How long to Answer Emails - How long to Answer calls - Do they collect non-sales leads (i.e. offer a 'free ebook, newsletter/contest/etc) - How often to they contact these leads - What sales piches do they use? - How many steps from home page to CC input - How many upsell offers? - What upsell offers - Reviews/ratings/testimonials - Other highlights - etc

No sense in trying to tweak landings/funels when that might not be what you are missing out on (i.e. you may be over-priced compared to your competitors; which in a sales driven industry is death)
There are several things you must know before starting your search for conversion optimalisation firms in the US. Conversion optimalisation is a highly sought service so due dilligence is a must. Before you proceed ask yourself, "What are my requirements for conversion optimalisation firm?" Once you know this answer you will be ready to hire a respected conversion optimalisation firm in the US.

Awesome :spawn:lol'd
Im looking for the best IM consultancy en conversion optimalisation firms in the US.

In terms of size and revenue.

I tried to use G, but im not familiar with the market in the US / int.

Can you help me out? :thumbsup:

A word of warning:

Size and revenue are sub-optimal metrics to use when assessing optimisation to-procurement organisations.

The reason therein exists that size varies non-optimally and inversely with the consultancy and conversitisation of said firms.