Confused: Whats the Current Status of Direct Linking on Google??


New member
Apr 12, 2008
I know they had the big policy change with destination/display url matching and I figured that was the end of it.

Since then I've definitely seen people doing it and I've heard people say it still flies. So, what is the final answer?? Looking to scale some stuff but don't want to get on G's bad side.

Also, would the answer be any different for direct linking on G Content Network?

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well i got banned from search. in an email with a rep, their new TOS is going to include "no affiliate marketing sites", and thats how i got banned, even though the rule isnt in place yet.
what a bunch of cunts
It is next to impossible to have a profitable campaign direct linking as most of the time you will not get through no matter what method you use and even if you do your quality score will be shit. Google doesn't want affiliate marketers money anymore it seems so you are better off taking your money elsewhere.