Confirmed- People on Yahoo Answers Are Not Idoits

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New member
Apr 2, 2007
Well, Today I decided to do a spam barrage on Yahoo Answers. I figured the people on there are complete idoit for asking such stupid question and such, so I proceded to spam them.

I created a page plastered with adsense and made it look like a search engine and added an adsense searchbox in the middle of the ads. I added a short paragraph description of the "search engine" and proceded to the spamming.

On literally every new question that came up on the home page and on highly traffic catagories, I posted an answer telling them I found the answer on my "search engine" and linked them to my site.

I found out that after a certain number of posts I would a Yahoo "999" error and I was denied from posting. After some testing I found that you could post more links if you changed the domain name of the link. I scoured google to find as many URL redirection service as I could find, since I didn't want to use my legit domains for spam. I came up with the following List: make long URLs short - shorten that long URL into a Tiny URL
HugeURL URL Shortener (suckskinda)
MoTick - Free URL Shortner - cause size really does matter! URL Shortener
H8K URL Shortener
dwarfURL - Make your long URL's a lot smaller with dwarfURL's short URL service!
URL Redirector / URL Shortener (slow)
url(x) · Shorten a long URL
Snipr | Snipurl 2.0 | Snurl - Snippetty snip snip with your looong URLs!
notlong Free Short URL Redirection: Make a long URL notlong - Short readable URLs
memurl — create short & mnemonic URLs
Shrinket - Turn a long URL into a short one!
KY13 :: URL Shortener - Url Shortening & Redirection Service
Qurl | Making long urls shorter!
ThnLnk. Semantic URLs.
URL Shortener - Shorten your long links.

There are more, but these are the only ones I could find that would automatically redirect to the url without giving some sort of ad or preview page.

I posted all my answers manually because it would be useless to design a script if it didn't work. I posted over 300 answers to various questions. I tried to make sure I was the first to answer the question ensuring maximum traffic potential.

At the end of the day, the traffic has slowed down to a crawl (the time im posting this is the "end of the day"). In total I earned around $13 from adsense from around 750 impressions and 350 search queries.

Well, I hope you gained some insight from this to better prepare any future attempts at spamming yahoo answers.
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Thats a lot of work for $13. Why dont you go get a job, any job.
Very interesting... how long did it take you to make the $13?

BTW that was a very creative twist. Sharp thinking :)
Did you post different answers to all the questions? Or were all your answers the same?
I've found Yahoo answers to be a nice resource.

I have one CPA landing page where all I do is link to it on Yahoo! Answers. I answer relevant questions every 2 or 3 days.

It usually takes about 20 minutes at most as there are anywhere from 5 to maybe 10 related questions.

The traffic I see isn't great but it does convert. Right now I'm making about $5 a day from this one little technique. It's not a lot of money, I know, but it's a nice little "stream" of income every month.

Last month it made me $125, and this month it's on pace to do closer to $175, maybe even $200.

Not BIG numbers by any means, but I figure I do maybe an hour, no more than 2 hours of work per week, and it makes me almost $50 a week. Not too shabby.

I'm working on finding some other offers that will work well with this technique.

Just for those wondering, I try to give valuable answers instead of just blatantly spamming, and I mention my landing page in both my actual answer and in the resource box.

In the future, I am going to try asking questions under one user ID, and then answer them under another (or maybe several) different ID's. I'm pretty sure people are doing this already and would like to know if anyone has experimented with something like this.
I found Yahoo Answers, for me, is a good way to get your site indexed more deeply. Search for your general topic, find a specific question, answer it with a post on your blog/site and then summarize it on yahoo answers and supply a link. This has gotten me the "best answer" 3 out of 5 times, a little bit of link through traffic and a backlink indexed by google in 24 hrs. Not only that but Google also indexed my site a bit more deeply than before.

Oh... provide link directly to the page on yoursite within the article, and then to the exact page and the general domain in sources.
In the future, I am going to try asking questions under one user ID, and then answer them under another (or maybe several) different ID's. I'm pretty sure people are doing this already and would like to know if anyone has experimented with something like this.
Yup.:D Oh it works.
Then a couple days later, go back and choose YOUR answer as the "best answer".
I made a hundred or so a day a while back answering questions and directing people to affiliate programs. It is tedious and boring though, and is not one of those things that you can just leave and forget about - you have to go back every day, answer the same questions, write more bullshit, ect.

It makes good money if you know what you are doing. I was getting approx 30% best answer for whatever I answered whilst blatantly putting affiliate links in my posts. $100-$200 a day is easy with yahoo answers.
I made a hundred or so a day a while back answering questions and directing people to affiliate programs. It is tedious and boring though, and is not one of those things that you can just leave and forget about - you have to go back every day, answer the same questions, write more bullshit, ect.

It makes good money if you know what you are doing. I was getting approx 30% best answer for whatever I answered whilst blatantly putting affiliate links in my posts. $100-$200 a day is easy with yahoo answers.

What kind of questions were you answering?
Indeed quite easy but requires shitload of work, if you just copy paste the same message the conversions are very low, if you taylor the answers to people questions conversions are very good but the amount of work is huge.
Indeed quite easy but requires shitload of work, if you just copy paste the same message the conversions are very low, if you taylor the answers to people questions conversions are very good but the amount of work is huge.

That's why you automate it idiot.

Anyway, $13 actually ISN'T bad for just 300 answers. Of course it is if you're doing it manually, but you were just testing the waters.

I don't know if you were giving a custom answer to each question though? That could make it tough...but it would be pretty easy just to do this for a script - just grab the keywords from the title and be like "I found the answer to this on this search engine...just search keywords here."

Won't get the best answer all the time, but that initial hit is what you need - just rinse and repeat.

And what about making niche specific search engines? So you could have a mortgage search engine and only post answers in that niche. Because obviously, someone is going to notice if every new post gets a reply like this.
Yeah, I got banned quite a few times...., no custom answers all the same generic answer.
I made a hundred or so a day a while back answering questions and directing people to affiliate programs. It is tedious and boring though, and is not one of those things that you can just leave and forget about - you have to go back every day, answer the same questions, write more bullshit, ect.

It makes good money if you know what you are doing. I was getting approx 30% best answer for whatever I answered whilst blatantly putting affiliate links in my posts. $100-$200 a day is easy with yahoo answers.

Were you using CPA affiliate stuff like emails and zips and whatnot? Or were you doing digital products like Clickbank?
I know who you are. Ha ha ha. I spotted one of the pages as a subdomain of some domain. I did have a 5 minute look into what you are doing.

Oh. shit you caught me, time to bring my site :) down.

Edit: By the way send me your thoughts by pm if you'd like.
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