Configure MY SERVER~!!

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
I've recently puchased my MacBookPro and I use it constantly. I also have a Apple G5 tower as well in which I want to convert that into a server.

Up until now, I've been paying for webhosting on a share server. I think now's the time to do my own thang.

I'm not that much of a techy when it come to this stuff, but I'm learning as I go. Just need a lil help and advice on how to get started.

so.....couple questions

1) other than the computer itself, is there any other things needed?

2) Advice on the Mac OSX server Software?

3) My current webhost has this thing called "fantastico" installs scripts at the click of a button. How is this installed on my server? is this seperate from the Mac OSX server software?

4) Other things to keep in mind when running your own server?

5) Would my home connection (cable) be good enough or would I have to upgrade?

It's going to be slow as FUCK on your home connection. It would be faster and cheaper just to pay for a dedi.
Not worth the energy or cost. Bringing decent bandwidth into your home would be more than double the cost of renting a dedicated server with loads more available bandwidth.

If you want to move up to the next level from shared hosting, just get an VPS (~$50/mo) or a dedicated server (~$150-200/mo).
You might want to check with your ISP before doing this. A lot of them don't allow you to host websites on a home connection.
thanx guys for the advice..... ugh, what to do with the G5 other than a door stop :p
File server. Run nightly backups from your laptop to the server.

i already have a 500gb portable HD to do that with the laptop.

when they say that the home connection will be slow, like how slow? ...for example, if i hosted a website on that computer, would only 10 people be able to connect to it simutaneously?
i already have a 500gb portable HD to do that with the laptop.

when they say that the home connection will be slow, like how slow? ...for example, if i hosted a website on that computer, would only 10 people be able to connect to it simutaneously?

Depends on your ISP. We hosted off of our connection at home and if we had any reasonable amount of traffic they would switch our ip address. We played that game for about 3 months before saying fuck it. It's not worth your time.
I wouldn't try to launch any big projects off a home connection. It's cheaper, easier, and more secure to rent a dedicated server.

I've got a laptop and a desktop also, I use my desktop as a local test server for web development and running extra shit in the background like torrents/limewire/custom apps and I transfer everything over the network to my external HD that I can access from either the desktop or the laptop.
Send it to me. I have a nice big farm. I'll let it run around outside playing with the chickens.
if i make this into a dedicated music server, wouldnt I run into the problem of my connection not being fast enough for any type of transfer?

I meant for your house. Why not dedicate it to ripping CD's, editing, cataloging, etc. and then stream around the house or feed your Ipod from it? Or you can probably get a TV-tuner card/Media center software bundle and turn it into a DVR/media server.
I meant for your house. Why not dedicate it to ripping CD's, editing, cataloging, etc. and then stream around the house or feed your Ipod from it? Or you can probably get a TV-tuner card/Media center software bundle and turn it into a DVR/media server.

ooo good idea~!

what do you guys think of that appleTV thing? gonna do a lil research on it.
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