Computer program to monitor computer usage?


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Can anyone recommend me some software? I'm going to be setting up an employee and I need a program that essentially records a video of exactly what they do online. This isn't to spy on them, just that the task I am asking them to do will be a lot easier if I can just go back and look through what they've done. And I guess there's the side benefit of preventing them from goofing off.

Any recommendations?

A video? You must have a lot of time on your hands to sit around and watch an employee work.

It would be helpful if you stated your purpose. Do you need a log to make sure they aren't surfing porn instead of working or do you literally need to watch over their should remotely as they work? What is the purpose in the video?
Why would that be necessary when it's an employee?

Hurr durr.

so you can randomly swap his mouse buttons for hours of lols?

Honestly though, monitoring productivity in this way is not really a great idea imho. Measure results first. If he get's your lines written, widgets made, etc. it doesn't really matter how fast or hard he works. Measuring effort rather than results is a slippery slope to having a bunch of pissed off employees acting busy but not getting shit done.

If you need to document how something is done, have them write it out or use a normal screen capture program and have them narrate it.