Complete n00b...ready to get dickrolled..


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Hey whats up guys, I'm Dj Hags.. new to the whole game..just wanting to learn.
a friend suggested "the challenge" and i just signed up here as well. Any advice on where to start or what to do would be appreciated..

read all the stickies in the different forums.

then stop sitting around reading and do something!

most people spend far too long reading on how to do stuff when doing is what is really gonna teach you.

people learn much quicker when they see their money getting burned away.
Hey whats up guys, I'm Dj Hags.. new to the whole game..just wanting to learn.
a friend suggested "the challenge" and i just signed up here as well. Any advice on where to start or what to do would be appreciated..

Hey dude, a pretty good place to start is at

Get yourself a .com and some hosting. Get a copy of komposer (it's free and its ok for what you'll be doing with it), and make yourself a website.

You'll get to learn a bit about cpanel, learn how to ftp your files, ect. Also you will have created your first website. Bingo you have started.

BTW try not to fall in love with any of your urls's especially in the beginning. Most likely they'll be throwaways. Sites you are just using to learn on/from.
Don't underestimate yourself. Your not a complete noob as you have knowledge of the sacred dickroll. Go forth and split test my son.
To add to the above, find a good niche to build websites for, make yourself an expert and stick to it. When you have enough money coming in, diversify and pick another one.
But please dont take action right away without knowing much about the subject... many newbies crash and burn when the first thing they experience if failure... keep your head up and learn enough first