Competitive Research With Prosper202 and Referral Analytics


New member
Nov 24, 2008
Haven't been here in a while but thought I'd give a quick post on a great way to find out where sites are getting their traffic from. This is not perfect and there are ways to obfuscate referrers but I'm sure a lot of savvy people around here can do something with this.

If you aren't familiar with it, has a tool called Referral Analytics. You can check it out here: Compete Referral Analytics Search | Compete

Some cool ways to use this (you will need to get a Pro subscription to get the best results):

Finding Out Who Is Sending The Most Traffic to Your Network

1. Find the jumplink url for your network (this is the domain that is used in your affiliate link).
2. Enter it into Compete Referral Analytics
3. Note the domains that are sending the highest percentage of traffic (These will be Prosper202 domains a lot of the time).
4. Reverse engineer some of their process by performing the steps below.

Find Their Traffic Sources Using Prosper 202 Install Domains

1. Locate a high traffic landing page in a niche you are interested in.
2. Get the redirect links for each offer and note any domains that the links pass through. A great tool to do this with is Link Hopper by Matt Harward
3. Check the domains to see if they're Prosper 202 domains. Note: some people will try to hide them by putting up a fake 404 page or blank page or whatever. Some will redirect to government or law enforcement pages. If they do, it is likely a Prosper domain.
4. Go to Compete's Referral Analytics and enter the Prosper 202 domain. This will show you domains that are sending the Prosper URL traffic, these will likely be landing pages since links have to redirect through it.
5. Next, enter the landing page urls that yo uget from the search in #4. That will give you an idea of traffic sources.

Like I said, this is not perfect but it works.

Go rake some cash.

Yep, I was doing that for awhile :) Another thing you can do with that is pull the search analytics information for all the LP URLs (if they are driving a big chunk of their volume through search).

Another method, rather than starting at the network, is get a collection of all the top offers for a niche you want to promote regardless of network, say Resveratrol. Then work backwards in the same fashion.

The only thing that sucks is that the Compete data lags by around a month. So if it's something new you can't really get data on it. I was selling Compete pro reports (referral, search etc) on here awhile back, but have since let my subscription slip.
If you guys would like to minimize the data showing up in compete we've been recommending people to load-balance their prosper202 installations across several domains, maybe 10-20-30-50+ if you want compete to have little to almost no data.

You don't necessarily need to have a fresh install either, you can MIRROR DOMAINS. Which makes 50 domains for instance all link to the same p202 installation. But when you setup your links you rotate between the installations, but you'll then have your traffic spread across 50 domains for one prosper202 installation. Compete will only pickup data on the site if it has significant enough traffic to make it worthwhile.
If you guys would like to minimize the data showing up in compete we've been recommending people to load-balance their prosper202 installations across several domains, maybe 10-20-30-50+ if you want compete to have little to almost no data.

You don't necessarily need to have a fresh install either, you can MIRROR DOMAINS. Which makes 50 domains for instance all link to the same p202 installation. But when you setup your links you rotate between the installations, but you'll then have your traffic spread across 50 domains for one prosper202 installation. Compete will only pickup data on the site if it has significant enough traffic to make it worthwhile.

This won't matter actually. All you have to do is locate high traffic landing pages - which is super easy because the ads for those pages are freaking everywhere.

Once you have the page, finding the Prosper or any tracking platform for that matter is easy. That includes multiple tracking installs.

You can also get really gangster and get Competitive intelligence, Search intelligence for online advertising and search marketing - Hitwise and do some serious pwnage.
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DickArmy, give us

This won't matter actually. All you have to do is locate high traffic landing pages - which is super easy because the ads for those pages are freaking everywhere.

Once you have the page, finding the Prosper or any tracking platform for that matter is easy. That includes multiple tracking installs.

You can also get really gangster and get Competitive intelligence, Search intelligence for online advertising and search marketing - Hitwise and do some serious pwnage.
Has Hitwise changed their pricing structure? Because that shit used to be really expensive. When I worked in travel, they wanted around 25k/m or so just for data in that vertical.
So basically the only way from preventing everyone on god's green earth from seeing your shit is to rotate through new prosper installs/domains before compete can get any data? Wow.
So outing landing pages is bad, but explaining how to find landing pages and more importantly traffic sources to be stolen quietly is fine.

Got it.
dickarmy is probably the most useful poster on WF, even when its stuff a lot of people know. There is not enough rep in the world for this guy.
If you guys would like to minimize the data showing up in compete we've been recommending people to load-balance their prosper202 installations across several domains, maybe 10-20-30-50+ if you want compete to have little to almost no data.

You don't necessarily need to have a fresh install either, you can MIRROR DOMAINS. Which makes 50 domains for instance all link to the same p202 installation. But when you setup your links you rotate between the installations, but you'll then have your traffic spread across 50 domains for one prosper202 installation. Compete will only pickup data on the site if it has significant enough traffic to make it worthwhile.

Wes for president!