Competition, Search Volume, and Adverstisers- oh my!


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Just two questions, por favor:

1. Does the amount of searches for an exact kw matter in the terms of competition? Can't you have 18k searches and still have a top 10 with low PBL and PR?

2. When creating product micro niche sites, should one pay attention to the amount of advertisers bidding on that particular kw? My main source of monetization will be third party affiliates, but I may decide to stick some Adsense on there down the road.

Just two questions, por favor:

1. Does the amount of searches for an exact kw matter in the terms of competition?

Only in that, the more searches, the more sites trying to rank for that search.

Can't you have 18k searches and still have a top 10 with low PBL and PR?

What is PBL?

should one pay attention to the amount of advertisers bidding on that particular kw?

Well, if people are paying to be listed there...

1. Does the amount of searches for an exact kw matter in the terms of competition? Can't you have 18k searches and still have a top 10 with low PBL and PR?

You can actually.. I am pretty sure these type of keywords still exist because I managed to find one (but like only one in months) and they are very very very rare..
There is a very strong correlation between the amount of revenue potential and the competition. By all means there is variation that you should be actively searching for and cashing in on. The general trend is, the more money there is to be made on a term the more competition there will be.

The trick is to find terms where the rewards out weight the risks.

Most importantly when looking into competition is to do a Google search on your kw and look into every single site that comes up in the first 10 spots of the serps.

Only there can you gauge your chances to rank it. If you see the first 4 to 5 spots occupied with PR 5 sites for example you know you want to pass.

What you are looking for is low PR sites with not too many pages and only a handful of backlinks.
when analyzing your top 10 site you should look for things like

How many backlinks each site has
What is the average PR
Is their domain name and exact match?
is the keyword in the tille?
Are their backlinks going to home or to ranking page?

If avarage PR is 1.5 and the site has less that 500 links going to that specific page then ofcourse you can outrank them but it will not happen overnight you have to constantly work on your site and build links to it.
Luckily SerpIQ does all of this for me with a single click =)

I highly recommend checking it out! dchuk is the man!

when analyzing your top 10 site you should look for things like

How many backlinks each site has
What is the average PR
Is their domain name and exact match?
is the keyword in the tille?
Are their backlinks going to home or to ranking page?

If avarage PR is 1.5 and the site has less that 500 links going to that specific page then ofcourse you can outrank them but it will not happen overnight you have to constantly work on your site and build links to it.
The more searches means that more popular the keyword is and more people want to rank for it. It means with the right effort you can still be in the game.