Commission Junction Question

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New member
Sep 26, 2007
Ok I'm starting to play with a few offers from Commission Junction and I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who has been using them for a while and has the answers to my noob questions.

1) Will I get an account manager? Azoogle jumps all over you as soon as you sign up, but I've been running CJ for a while now and I haven't got a phone call or anything?

2) Are the reports in real time? If I make a sale, how long do I have to wait until it is reflected in my earnings at the top of the page?

I've never been in touch with an account manager from CJ, except emails when I'm doing something they don't approve of.

I believe performance reports are delayed by 30 minutes to an hour.

Check the merchant details and see whether they batch process or not. If they batch process, you'll only see stats update when they process. Sometimes this can be once a day, sometimes once every 2 or 3 days.
u get an account manager when you become a CJ Performer. you basically need to earn 10K in commissions for 3 or more months (IIRC) to even qualify. your best bet is working directly with the affiliate managers of each respective merchant on there. it's not like azoogle where you don't have access to the affiliate manager for each offer you run.

sale reports come in about 2 hours (just after the top of the hour) after the action. if the merchant does batch processing, then it's on whatever schedule the merchant sets.
CJ Reporting Delay

From my experience, CJ reporting is not real time. Daily stats like clicks, leads etc. are updated the next day for me, so there is a bit of a delay. I usually see the update sometime after midnight (PST) as they based out of Santa Barbara, CA. It be the campagins I'm running though, but I've heard a lot of people talk about the delay.
From my experience, CJ reporting is not real time. Daily stats like clicks, leads etc. are updated the next day for me, so there is a bit of a delay. I usually see the update sometime after midnight (PST) as they based out of Santa Barbara, CA. It be the campagins I'm running though, but I've heard a lot of people talk about the delay.

No, you're right. Most of the things I do don't update for at least a few hours. You'll know things updated (sans batch processors) once your imps/clicks register.
ok thanks for the help guys! Hopefully one day I'll be a CJ Performer. Are there any Performers here on WF?
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