Commission Junction - Getting approved by advertisers?


New member
Apr 8, 2010

I just started on commission junction 2 weeks ago. It seems like all the advertisers on there either spend ages reviewing my application to host their ads (and haven't accepted it yet) or reject them (some companies auto reject my requests, wtf?).

What can I do to get accepted more often? I guess maybe because the website I have registered with CJ is my affiliate marketing blog, but I'm not sure. Maybe they just don't like SEMs.

Also, are there any networks out there which are better for AM noobs like me. The trouble is most places (like Neverblue) seem to reject me.

Thanks in advance,


It seems like some CJ advertisers never approve applications. Others won't approve you unless the site matches what they offer, so you need to build more sites depending on what you want to advertise. Many advertisers auto-approve regardless, so it doesn't matter what your site is.

Also, some advertisers will check up on you from time to time and even drop you if you haven't sent traffic in awhile or at all.

Other sites similar to CJ you could try are Linkshare and Share-a-Sale.

For CPA networks, try calling them.
I'm pretty sure you can just claim to own a site to get approved. They never ask you to verify the sites you list in your profile. So you can just add a big forum with 100,000 users to your profile and they should approve you.
What can I do to get accepted more often? I guess maybe because the website I have registered with CJ is my affiliate marketing blog, but I'm not sure. Maybe they just don't like SEMs.

Alot of merchants like to see a site before an approval (which sucks if you're doing SEM). And as far as approval wait times, some treat their CJ accounts like autopilot and never check it. If you're applying to larger merchants, try finding a phone nubmer on their website and giving the AM a call. Usually, as long as you're not doing anything shady, you should get accepted.
I'm pretty sure you can just claim to own a site to get approved. They never ask you to verify the sites you list in your profile. So you can just add a big forum with 100,000 users to your profile and they should approve you.

That's a good way to not get paid if a dispute ever comes up.