Commision Junction vs. other networks?

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New member
Jun 15, 2009
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and haven't really found an answer so I had to start a new thread...
I was wondering - if i'm just starting out, and find it hard to get accepted to CPA networks such as advaliant or copeac, what are the downsides to using CJ? They seem like a huge network with very a minimal screening process. Why would I take the time to call and convince another CPA network to take me in when CJ has so many offers I can use right away?

Thanks ;)

I have not had a problem with CJ but I know many others have plus they don't have many of the rebill offers that affiliates are making large profits on. Just use the search button here to find mentions of CJ.
CJ itself has no screening process... The merchants on it do though.
The other thing is that they're mostly physical products or services that you'll be selling through CJ. You're getting paid to actually sell people on something.

CPA stuff, you're getting paid for the lead/signup, for the most part, and it's alot easier to get people to fill in info for that kind of shit than a physical product or service, because most of these CPA programs are offering "magic bullet solutions".
I use CJ, but only as a last resort for when other networks just dont have an offer available. The payouts are usually lower too for whatever I have checked on.
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