Combine Or Split?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
If I have two niches that are related, such as food and drink, would I be better off combining both niches into one website,giving me more content, or separating one site for food kws and one site for drink kws to make it more focused?

I'd rather have 2 authority sites with relevant domains than a mixed one unless I was looking to create a catch-all brand.
How related are the topics? Wine + Cheese? If you're looking to dig very deep into each niche, it could be beneficial to split them up. In case you want to sell off 1 site, or do graphics/theme to match each one. SEO-wise it shouldn't matter too much.
If I have two niches that are related, such as food and drink, would I be better off combining both niches into one website,giving me more content, or separating one site for food kws and one site for drink kws to make it more focused?

1 for food, 1 for drinks 1 for both.

Once you run the site about food and site about drinks you have all the knowledge about the niche and can use the data you already have and easily jump to bigger site which combines both. I'm not saying it's an excellent solution but that's the way I would do.
How related are the topics? Wine + Cheese? If you're looking to dig very deep into each niche, it could be beneficial to split them up. In case you want to sell off 1 site, or do graphics/theme to match each one. SEO-wise it shouldn't matter too much.

I was mainly concerned in pulling in more traffic by using a wider spread of KWs.

Once you run the site about food and site about drinks you have all the knowledge about the niche and can use the data you already have and easily jump to bigger site which combines both. I'm not saying it's an excellent solution but that's the way I would do.

How would you stay unique?
Honestly, I was talking to Eliquid about this today, but I'd rather not share with you what he told me. If you want to pm him yourself, you can, but he offered me some good advice.
How would you stay unique?

Think outside the box. You may provide nice features to your visitors. On site which combines both you can have "what food comes with what drink" content. So let say you describe cheese than after description you have something like "this cheese tastes good with these 5 wines" etc.

Once you have databse full of posts and products and know the niche ideas will pop out automatically, you'll see.

I'm not telling you to use exactly the same posts on both sites. But research you will do to prepare them will ease up the task of creating new content. You will have images needed, characteristic of the food at so forth. Don't be fucking lazy.

Don't think you will get a basic template and just throw few post on each site (well many do just that). Let your sites grow, recognize your audience, their needs and make changes until the point you have worthy, unique site.
Let your sites grow, recognize your audience, their needs and make changes until the point you have worthy, unique site.

This is my goal.

Very good points. Thank you!
It is all up to you. Niche doesn't matter as much as proper keyword research. However if it were me, I would separate niches unless your domain name is more general and can fall under both categories.