Cold Calls from the Better Business Bureau - Interesting article


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Today I received a call from the Better Business Bureau about my company having received positive feedback!!! Because of this they want to make a special membership available to me.

Since this is a relatively new business name I was surprised, excited until I realized that the guy on the other end who spoke with extreme authority (imagine James Earl Jones calling from the BBB - he had that type of voice) was just trying to get me to join and had no clue who or what we are.

Started searching around the webs to see if others had the same experience and found this article:

Cold-Calls - Honest Selling Professionals Association

The author had the same experience and writes about it but then talks about cold calling and how to build VALUE for your clients.

It's a VERY good read on how to build RELATIONSHIPS and how to create a life long customer, not just trying to make the one time sale.

You guys wanna know how I became such a cynic of my world and government?

It was the BBB's fault, doing shit like this.

Around 2003 or so I had my first small biz, barely doing $10k the first year... But I made the mistake of listing it in several business directories and the BBB came calling like you see here.

I forget what their funnel was exactly but before that encounter I thought of them as an authority, just s fraction of a step removed from the government... After that encounter I started to suspect that other official-sounding organizations like trade organizations, chambers of commerce, and even quasi-government entities were just shams using the government to hide behind in some way.

Eventually the entire government itself started to look like a Sham.

And it is.
You guys wanna know how I became such a cynic of my world and government?

It was the BBB's fault, doing shit like this.

Around 2003 or so I had my first small biz, barely doing $10k the first year... But I made the mistake of listing it in several business directories and the BBB came calling like you see here.

I forget what their funnel was exactly but before that encounter I thought of them as an authority, just s fraction of a step removed from the government... After that encounter I started to suspect that other official-sounding organizations like trade organizations, chambers of commerce, and even quasi-government entities were just shams using the government to hide behind in some way.

Eventually the entire government itself started to look like a Sham.

And it is.

This is pretty similar to my story, only in my case instead of a small business and the BBB, it involved a wooden table and some LSD.