Coding Photoshop Slices

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New member
Nov 23, 2008
Can someone help me with this?

I'm having trouble with the alignment in basic HTML.

Is there any code that would make this (even more) simple? At the minute I'm just guessing the pixel locations and its driving me crazy.

I could just download Dreamweaver but I would prefer to do it myself.


I had the same problem with CSS, how do I find the exact place where it needs to go in pix x pix?

Maybe I'm just a retard...
That sounds great.

Thanks, I'll get on that now, you have probably just made my life 100x easier.

naturally you want to start with xhtml/css if you're trying to do anything cross browser compatible. an xhtml(strict) utilizing css generally has the least problems to fix between the browsers.

A small reset also helps (though there are plenty of [much larger] css resets out there such as yahoo)

 html * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; }

But I'm also one of those people who find straight Psd slices->div/css exports to be a bit lazy and bound to have problems making you work 2x as much just to fix than if you were to take a look at the psd and start separating the main components first before exporting pieces. (ie: instead of having it split a div into two or three background images just because some input components sit on top of them, save the background separately then put the components on top of that.)
For starting to code from Photoshop into valid XHTML and CSS I would recommend:

W3Schools - great place to start your CSS knowledge :)
Total Training or Lynda Video - tutorials.

When you check out video tutorials and you see how easily it goes from being sliced in Photoshop into a working template - it works like a charm :)
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