[coded][jquery]3 Exceptional Designs For Sale

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Jun 18, 2009
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I have three designs that I did for my portfolio when I was trying to create an image for my works.

Today I am selling those but keep in mind I have only used one of them which I am currently using right now.

The starting price for each is $50

Make your bids accordingly

All three designs are coded in xhtml/css with javascript/jquery elements.

Two of the three templates come with a help file where I have listed in detail the different sections of coding.

Design One [PEXIQ] - This is my portfolio right now which I am auctioning off. It has two pages. You get PSD and html files. I will not be using this portfolio after it is sold.

Design Two [Minlistic] - As you can see it is a minimilistic design that is clean and professional. 4 pages. you receive PSD | html | Extensive Help File

Design Three [AIO Designer] - This is the first one I created with a very unique layout. It has 3 pages coded and 3 more uncoded. you receive 6 psd files | html files | Extensive Help File.

Happy bidding!!

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