CMS recommedations


Captain Time Pirate
Aug 18, 2010
Hey guys,

I'm starting a new project that is really beyond the scope of Wordpress (I think) and, considering Wordpress is the only CMS I've ever really used and considering that there are so many out there, I figured I'd come here to ask for a little help.

I want to create something akin to Wikipedia, but for a smaller set of information. I don't need or want anybody other than editors to be able to add content. Like Wikipedia, these articles will all be related and I need an easy way to link to them. I'd like to be able to query the articles to retrieve all the ones about certain topics or within certain timeframes.

Is that something that MediaWiki can do? Is using a Wiki in this manner a good idea or is there another CMS out there that might be better?


Check out Joomla with either the K2 or Zoo components. Really strong tagging, recursive categories of content, AJAX search capabilities and in 1.6 you can have really strong ACL, although these plugins have not caught up yet.
Most of them operate on the same principles - LAMP server - upload, decompress, set up DB, install, configure.

I don't see too many differences between WP and Joomla at a baseline level. Most decent template providers offer the same framework (i.e. Gantry, Warp6) which means customizing the look and feel is practically identical.

Base your decision by what will cost you the least amount of money for the templates/plugins/components that you need while delivering the maximum results. Browse the extensions from each one and read some reviews, try a demo and go on that.

Most people will favor whichever system they cut their teeth on. WP is popular in the SEO and blogging community because it's so easy for getting content out, but I feel that it lacks the same scalability as Joomla or even Drupal if you ever need to expand.