Clicking users in Ubot


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Just bought ubot today and so far ive worked through their tutorials and the vbulletin pm tutorial on but im trying to make a bot that automatically sends out invites to all of your friends for a group.

Im having trouble clicking the image. Any tips?

I was hesitant to buy at first, but I think im getting the hang of it, and its becoming easier but FB is a pain in the ass.

err...? Your post is quite confused... what are you trying to do?

Click users on facebook?

Anyhow... there is a uBot support forum at UBot Underground

Ask there and you will get help.

Hey Emp, my bad on the confusion, I was trying to bot a way to auto invite all friends to a group that you have. I was trying to choose by attribute a persons picture, but it wasnt working. Although I think I figured it out by if searching the page then wildcarding the profile URL's and clicking them.

In any event I figured it out, ty for the link I will check it all out in the future.