Clickbooth Sinking?


New member
Aug 4, 2010

Hmmmm someone in the above picture sold his $2.1 million dollar house less than 2 weeks ago and then bought a $300k house. Still not doing bad with a $300k house but going from $2.1mil on the water to a $300k house must SUCK.

Isn't it amazing how karma catches up to people?
Hmmmm someone in the above picture sold his $2.1 million dollar house less than 2 weeks ago and then bought a $300k house. Still not doing bad with a $300k house but going from $2.1mil on the water to a $300k house must SUCK.

Isn't it amazing how karma catches up to people?

Got any more details.?
I cannot confirm nor deny that the person responsible for these photoshops may or may not thoroughly enjoy seeing his or her hard work appreciated =)

I also cannot confirm nor deny that if you have ideas for more photoshops that I may or may not be able to pass that idea on if you send me a PM.

If you didn't see the previous one here it is:
