Clickbooth did not pay on time this month...

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New member
Mar 13, 2007
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if I am the only one... Clickbooth usually pays like clockwork, right on time on the 15th, but this month I still have not received anything. I am expecting they will pay me on Monday.

Anyone had the same happening??


...and people wonder why ClickBooth is on our banned list.

Maybe they lost your payment with the rest of their advertised $15M+ per month payouts haha.
Looks like it is time to go scrub my eyes with a wire brush and bleach. I am going to miss my vision.
Those of you that weren't paid, are you cash incentive publishers? And if you don't mind me asking, what offers were you running with them?
No, I have never run a cash incentive offer. I also received that email they sent about dropping all cash incentive publishers.

The problem seems to be with this specific offer. The advertiser's complaint. However, all my traffic for that offer has come via search. I don't understand why the advertiser would complain as they make no mention in their campaign description that search is not allowed; but on the contrary, they actually provide a link for search.

I have now been waiting for 6 days for this matter to finally get resolved. All the information I received was from my affiliate manager and that is because I originally sent him an email asking him that I needed to know why my payment had not been sent.

I expect this matter will be resolved soon. I've had a similar issue with another network and the matter was resolved without any delays and my payment was sent immediately afterwards. I have had a good experience with Clickbooth until now and expect the same from them.

I believe they are a little late in payments this month. If you are very concerned about your payments then why don't you knock them an email or AIM them or what ever contact details they offer.
No, I have never run a cash incentive offer. I also received that email they sent about dropping all cash incentive publishers.

The problem seems to be with this specific offer. The advertiser's complaint. However, all my traffic for that offer has come via search. I don't understand why the advertiser would complain as they make no mention in their campaign description that search is not allowed; but on the contrary, they actually provide a link for search.

I have now been waiting for 6 days for this matter to finally get resolved. All the information I received was from my affiliate manager and that is because I originally sent him an email asking him that I needed to know why my payment had not been sent.

I expect this matter will be resolved soon. I've had a similar issue with another network and the matter was resolved without any delays and my payment was sent immediately afterwards. I have had a good experience with Clickbooth until now and expect the same from them.


What is the offer in question?
I don't know if I am allowed to disclose the name of the offer publicly. I will PM you the name of the offer. It is a Real Estate related offer and it has the word cash in it. That's as much as I will say here.

Now, this is what's happened:

My AM finally managed to sort things out with accounting and I was paid today. Minus 2 leads, that the advertiser deemed fraudulent (though I am sure they were not).

My AM was asking me if I was sending any international traffic to the offer, and I made clear the traffic was exclusively from the US. I think this was the advertiser's excuse not to pay me these 2 leads. Anyway, I am not complaining much, at least I got paid for most leads and the matter was resolved in general.

I know the issue here was always with the advertiser, not so much with Clickbooth as a network. I have read some very bad reviews about the advertiser/merchant on the net (I just couldn't resist trying them as their offer pays so well per lead!!). All in all, I did make money with them.

After this experience, I learnt my lesson and decided to stop promoting this particular merchant altogether. I just want to make sure that the leads I have already generated for them this month will be paid to me next month. Then I won't have to deal with this particular merchant anymore.

Thanks for all your replies!

Gibster :)
It's nice to hear that you did get paid for most of the leads. It's quite surprising but I see it all the time where merchants are being taken of networks because they don't pay the network for what they owe. I have even seen this from merchants that has a pay per sale program on UK CPS affiliate networks where the merchant gets taken of the network for non payment.

It's odd why they would do this is affiliates are making them sales, why don't they pay, they are in a win situation at the end of the day unless they have financial difficulties, then that explains it. But even though they may have that, you would think they would work their finances out before joining a network and see how well each product sold may make them a profit.
It's nice to hear that you did get paid for most of the leads. It's quite surprising but I see it all the time where merchants are being taken of networks because they don't pay the network for what they owe. I have even seen this from merchants that has a pay per sale program on UK CPS affiliate networks where the merchant gets taken of the network for non payment.

It's odd why they would do this is affiliates are making them sales, why don't they pay, they are in a win situation at the end of the day unless they have financial difficulties, then that explains it. But even though they may have that, you would think they would work their finances out before joining a network and see how well each product sold may make them a profit.

Good to know you got paid. It took me an extra 2 months to get a measly $800 payment out of them. They made excuse after excuse. I counted on that money being gone and I made one last attempt and they finally paid. They kept blaming it on an accounting error.
They've always been good to me, this is the first time I have had any kind of problem with ClickBooth.
I was positive they were going to pay me (if not all, most of it). I am just waiting for my next payment, as I generated 3 leads for the same advertiser this month.

Once I receive my next payment I will probably begin to promote smaller email submit offers, sweepstakes, etc. and spread it out, promote lots of small and different merchants. Clickbooth's support team is a bit slow in responding compared to most other networks, and yes I had this happening to me this month, but they have always paid and I am willing to continue giving it a go.

Thanks to everyone for their replies! :love-smiley-085:
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