Clickbank Stealth - Fake Stats Fail!?!


New member
Mar 7, 2008
So I hear (repeatedly) a new product has launched. But low and behold, are these guys blatantly posting images of fake CB stats??

What do you think..?



Things that make me say hmmmmmmnn...

And they've got loads of other errors all over their page. Like they were in a serious rush to put it out or something.

They need to hire me as a consultant!

Nooooooo! No would EVER post fake stats to sell you pure bullshit would they?

Copy & paste into address bar, hit enter. Hit enter when done editing.

javascript:if(document.body.contentEditable){if(document.body.contentEditable=='false'){document.body.contentEditable='true';}else{document.body.contentEditable='false';}}else{if(document.designMode=='on'){document.designMode='off';}else{document.designMode='on';}}void 0
Clickbank, supposedly, will verify all earnings claims before approving a product to their marketplace that shows screen shots of said earnings. I've never put a product on, that's just in their terms.

But yeah, you're right, it is fake.
Makes me sick! Sadly people will still buy and clickbank will keep approving these products. In a way I am not sorry for the people who get suckered anyway. They are the ones who demand inflated income proof. Try putting out a product that shows you earning $100 a day, no-one would buy it. Post screenshots of you earning $250,000 a day and the suckers gobble it up like raindrops over the Sahara. Theses people don't want believability, they want lies. Fuck em!
So I hear (repeatedly) a new product has launched. But low and behold, are these guys blatantly posting images of fake CB stats??

What do you think..?



Things that make me say hmmmmmmnn...

And they've got loads of other errors all over their page. Like they were in a serious rush to put it out or something.

They need to hire me as a consultant!

Yeah, looks fake... BTW, the easy way to edit a page and take a screenshot - put:
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';void 0;
in the browser bar, press enter and edit anything on the page... No photoshop, real screenshots. ;) (might have to replace quotes around 'true' and make sure there are no spaces in the words as forum may break it up a bit like it did with void in this one).
Makes me sick! Sadly people will still buy and clickbank will keep approving these products. In a way I am not sorry for the people who get suckered anyway. They are the ones who demand inflated income proof. Try putting out a product that shows you earning $100 a day, no-one would buy it. Post screenshots of you earning $250,000 a day and the suckers gobble it up like raindrops over the Sahara. Theses people don't want believability, they want lies. Fuck em!
yeah. it's like the recent evolution process of product launches...

in the beginning, gurus claimed they left their dayjobs to become millionaires. then, they had no dayjob but were fired and became millionaires. until recently they'd claim to be thousands of dollars into debt before getting rich, and today i've seen a few claims of people saying they died in some sort of way, got out of it and became internet marketing super affiliates.........................

:party-smiley-004: creepy developments altogether.....
How is this worse than the scam rebills alot of you guys pushed?

Hello friend,

I think it actual better. Ebook only charge one time for product that no work. Rebill charge every month for product that no work.

Good luck bro
so your service is to provide fake stats for bizops?

No my (theoretical) service is to make sure the sales page is not full of holes like this one. Browse around on the site for a few mins and you'll probably see what I mean.

There's no opp to shift fake stats to CB merchants, looks like everyone is already using the JS edit.