CJ weekly payouts

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cj sucks. so so much I can't even explain how much they suck. Ugh I hates cj
I know that CJ sucks, their tracking system always misses ~20% of leads in comparison with other networks, but there´re unfortunately offers out there which are exclusively listed on CJ...
Hahah good luck with that. I'd be impressed if you could ever even talk to someone there in a somewhat coherent conversation. Still it's true they do carry some stuff that nowhere else does and thus are sometimes necessary, bleh.
definetly a great selection of products. Its impossible to talk to an affiliate manager there though.

Can´t share this experience, at least in Europe you can have someone if you generate enough commissions...
Friggin' pisses me off when someone PMs me "just bought ____ through a link on your site, thanks for the reviews to help me decide" and 2 days later, there's still no commission for the sale on CJ. Why's it miss so many sales?
So far cj works pretty well for me. Its extremely slow on paying and tracking but i don't have the huge volume some of you guys have so it ok for me.
Because CJ has an insane number of merchants, and they can't audit all of them to make sure the sales go through.

The other reason is that a popular anti spyware software (Spybot S&D) completely blocks all of the CJ links! But CJ´s tracking system itself has also some problems...
Wow this one gave me a good chuckle. CJ offering anything to make affiliates lives easier would be a first I think. The one nice thing I love about CJ is the product feeds. Makes it easy to make auto generated blogs and things.
The one nice thing I love about CJ is the product feeds. Makes it easy to make auto generated blogs and things.
Their data feeds a fucking disaster, especially their promotional feeds.

I get one every Saturday and it takes days to clean it up to where it's actually usable. The Titles and descriptions are a lot of times different in the feed then whats on the site, or they go to a completely different offer. Not sure if it's CJ or the merchants that are doing it.

The concept is great but execution is a giant FAIL.
Still makes things a little easier though I suppose so I put up with it.

Some of the Merchants offer feeds outside of the CJ system, those are usually better.
Their data feeds a fucking disaster, especially their promotional feeds.

I get one every Saturday and it takes days to clean it up to where it's actually usable. The Titles and descriptions are a lot of times different in the feed then whats on the site, or they go to a completely different offer. Not sure if it's CJ or the merchants that are doing it.

The concept is great but execution is a giant FAIL.
Still makes things a little easier though I suppose so I put up with it.

Some of the Merchants offer feeds outside of the CJ system, those are usually better.

Which other networks are offering data feeds? Are there also cpa networks providing feeds?
I think most offer data feeds, assuming the merchant provides them.
Linkshare offers RSS Feeds, not many though as well as csv data feeds. Share-A-Sale, golden can , pepperjam and on and on...

Really kind of depends on what kind of feed you're looking for.
I've made a whopping .56$ with CJ.

Miserable tracking. Over 300 clicks and only 2 leads generated? Say what? a4d ftw!
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