CJ Finally Wakes Up

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I just blogged about this and wanted to be sure everyone here knows.

CJ just announced that JavaScript links are simply an optional way to create links and will be removing JS as the default link format. I'd give Commission Junction kudos for listening, except they put everyone through too much hell for too long with this badly thought out initiative. They are now calling HTML links what they are, as opposed to calling them by their LMI term "Legacy" links. So without admitting how much they blew it on this one, they are quietly trying to go back to business as usual. I always feel a company can gain so much more favor and credibility in bad situations like this to just openly admit they made a mistake, listened to the people, thank them for their feedback and then correct it.

If you go past the announcement on the home page and dig into the FAQ the bright orange changes clearly spell things out.

"How are JavaScript links impacted with the August 30, 2006 release of LMI? Now in the Get Links area of the CJ Account Manager, there is no longer a default to JavaScript links; publishers can choose the format they prefer to work with, whether it is HTML or JavaScript."

"Advertisers will also have the ability to designate any link (except Keyword Links) as JavaScript-only. This feature was added in response to some advertisers who have particular concerns with legal and regulatory compliance, such as an interest rate advertised by a financial institution. We recommend that advertisers only use this feature as needed, and to continue to support both JavaScript and HTML, to accommodate the varied needs of publishers. To reiterate there are no plans to remove support for HTML links."
I feel pretty certain that the main impetus for them changing and finally backing down is the upcoming CJU convention. CJU typically sells out in days. Here we are with less than a month to go and the convention has still not sold out. I think they got everyone's message loud and clear and realized if they didn't back down quick, the whole conference would be focused on how stupid and wrong the entire LMI mess was.

What do you guys think?

I'm not smart enough to work with java-links --- so this pleases me =)
Usually people affiliates should have HTML Links as a defualt considering the fact that not every website uses JavaScript code and they might be normal bloggers.

But having JavaScript can ensure a little bit of security onto your publisher ID I think and prevent others from click attacking you!
Why the fuck would they call them LEGACY LINKS anyways. Way to confuse the fuck out of everyone.
Sorry, but CJ will never wake up. In fact, I predict that they won't be around for another 10 years unless they clean up their act and start giving REAL affiliate/webmaster support. They are definitely at the bottom of the list when it comes to that. And the whole allowing advertisers to chargeback on leads when they are 30 days old is bullshit too. That's what made me stop dealing with them, even if conversions were great, I didn't like being fucked for over $30k.
Jon said:
Sorry, but CJ will never wake up. In fact, I predict that they won't be around for another 10 years unless they clean up their act and start giving REAL affiliate/webmaster support. They are definitely at the bottom of the list when it comes to that. And the whole allowing advertisers to chargeback on leads when they are 30 days old is bullshit too. That's what made me stop dealing with them, even if conversions were great, I didn't like being fucked for over $30k.
Well which other Affiliate network do you use? So far, being around the forum it talks about aZoogle and Arbitrage...
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