Christmas Cheer

Using Spynner you would able to simulate a web browser with no GUI (though a browsing window can be opened for debugging purposes), so it may be used to implement crawlers or acceptance testing tools.

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I've put together a few good bots recently with this in jruby: Celerity | Easy and fast functional test automation for web applications

looks like basically the same thing, though celerity relies on htmlunit, which is its own beast as you know.


yah buddy, long overdue. IMO, the pyqt/webkit implementation should come out a lot cleaner, leaner and more future-proof than celerity, as webkit is a more modern browser than htmlunit, and the whole stack should consume less memory as you don't have to load jvm.
yeah, I have a sweet little bot, that's maybe 50 lines of jruby code using celerity, that eats 300 megs of ram on launch. kinda annoying, but ram's cheap enough where I don't really care
yeah, I have a sweet little bot, that's maybe 50 lines of jruby code using celerity, that eats 300 megs of ram on launch. kinda annoying, but ram's cheap enough where I don't really care
Watin doesn't consume nearly as much RAM, but since it's a .NET app weird things start happening to CPU usage if you multithread it. Damn thing makes any VPS, even a 2 gig dual core one, crawwwwwwwl. Works fine on a dedi. But I like to deploy my bots on my VPSs, most of which are 512mb $15 / month pieces of shit. So annoying =/
inspired by tainted's post above and StackOverflow, we should start a round of WF-blackhat code golf.
fewest LOC and most novel approach wins all the points. we'll agree to give the winner ALL OUR MONIES, on the honor system and shit.

hole 1:
implement a VPS/bot multiplexer that'll take a given script ( and run it for 60 minutes on a different vps each hour for 24 hours. bonus points for multiple webhosts.

hole 2:
write a linkspam bot that a) doesn't consume more than 10% of any single resource on the server, b) runs at startup in the background and c) opens a reverse tunnel to a host of your choice

hole 3:
write a payload mailer that takes a set of email addresses, spins a template and mails it to the users with ScreenSavers.exe attached; the mailer script should sit on in the background and collect conversion rates

ready, go! at the end of the day, we should be able to use hole#1 to host hole#3, delivering hole#2 to our users.

EDIT: i was mostly joking when i wrote this, but then i went and wrote #1 anyway; took like 5m, it's mostly complete, i'll post it here later.