Choosing a PPC offer - High Comp/High Pot. or Low Comp/Low Pot.?

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(M)ad Man
Oct 31, 2007
So I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I've dabbled in PPC a little bit before, promoting Baby Products, but as soon as my money ran out, I basically gave up, or should I say got caught in the cycle of constantly starting new things. This time I just want to start this thing the proper way and commit myself to it.

I have created a new YSM account using one of those $100 coupons and am ready to pick an offer, but my dilemma is basically that almost every offer I see is related to a highly competitive field (Dating, Ringtones, Finance, etc.) and quite frankly it's a bit intimidating considering the fact that I have VERY limited experience. So basically what I want to know, is whether it is recommended that I go into one of these fields, or whether I should try searching for a less known offer?

PS. I am currently with Copeac

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