Chitika Advertising Platform Billing Problems

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New member
May 14, 2009
Hello all,
I had tried to sign-up to be an advertiser with Chitika to run a PPC campaign with their network. However, upon entering my billing info in, their system wouldn't take my card, in which it gave me an error code E00027. I looked this error code up and it was pertaining to "test" transactions. However, my transaction was a "real" transaction.
I tried using 2 other credit cards (both Visa and Mastercard) and it did the same thing. So, Monday morning I called them and left a message to help me with the problem. No one emailed me back to help. Tuesday...same thing. Wednesday...same thing. WTF.
I can't start my campaign until I get the billing info in, but, the system keeps rejecting it as a "test" transaction. Chitika is incompetent as hell and neither fixed the issue or even contacted me about my problems.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I wanted to try a different PPC platform instead of Adwords and Yahoo, but, they seem oblivious to helping me or correcting the problem. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks for any assistance you could give.

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