Chiptole Ad Campaign


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Thought it was pretty cool & a lot of money probably went into it (3d art team, commercial slots, song, video game, idea.) #neat

[ame=""]The Scarecrow - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Back to the Start - YouTube[/ame]

I remember the "Back to the Start" one from a few years ago. I hadn't seen "The Scarecrow" yet though.

They are both incredibly creative ads and they definitely cost a ton to make. If I recall correctly it was CAA and Chipotle's in-house team that developed them, so definitely not cheap to produce the campaign with everything it involved.

It was a really good narrative and solid example of a branding campaign. The only real problem I see with it is that you don't know it's a Chipotle ad until the very end. That isn't a huge problem, but I do remember there were a lot of those type of comments when "Back to the Start" first came out.

As an added bonus, it pissed off a lot of the big corporate farms. Growing up in community packed with family owned farms, many of whom were barely hanging on because of corp. farms, that made me smile.
I think that adds to the charm.

With this specific campaign I'm with you. The ads were engaging enough to keep people watching for the story. Then at the end you get Chipolte.

I guess my "only real problem" comment was more of a generalized statement. Most 2-3 minute ads never get watched all the way through. So for those, branding at the end is a fail, for these it works well.
The cover of Pure Imagination by Fiona Apple is real good. Suitably unsettling.