Chinese Ad Resellers On Anti-Google Hunger Strike


New member
Feb 6, 2009
"About 200 employees from 7 Chinese ad reselling companies are protesting outside Google's offices in Shanghai in response to Google terminating their contracts, said Fan Meiyong, a representative for the group. 40 of those have gone on a hunger strike that will last until the group's grievances are resolved, Fan added. The ad resellers have said they have held talks with Google about the matter but they still don't know why the contracts were terminated. The group has even written an open letter to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, asking them for their intervention."

Google ban-hammer causing drama everywhere

I never did get the whole hunger strike concept. I want something from you, so I'm going to not eat until you give it to me. You: ummm go ahead and starve yourself. We've already established I don't fucking care about you.
in this case its retarded, but if you can't see the point of doing a desperate action to get attention of the media and rallying public opinion (ie: potential customers) with you against an enterprise/gov, you have nothing to do in marketing.
in this case its retarded, but if you can't see the point of doing a desperate action to get attention of the media and rallying public opinion (ie: potential customers) with you against an enterprise/gov, you have nothing to do in marketing.

first of all, I just don't see why anyone would care if someone voluntarily chooses to stop eating. Second of all, fuck you. Finally, rewarding people with attention for self-harm is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Think about the maxim of such a principle. Should teenagers who cut themselves be given unlimited curfew, allowance raises, and new cars?
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Because everyday ppl are doing hunger strike to get new car, curfew or more money.

Get real moron, people chosing this action to protest have tried every fucking thing to be heard. I dont talk about some fucking emo kids cutting themselves.
it helps at times and especially they want media attention coz they must have tried sending numerous email to their support with no answer, u can imagine

You're moving the team to Albuquerque, aren't you?