Cheese Puffs - Best?


Mar 7, 2007
Just mowed through a bag of "Shoppers Value" brand Cheese Puffs. Shit piled up on my rear gum line and I just hauled it out with my finger for a 2nd taste. Shit was good.

Who got the best cheese puffs?

Sounds like something you'd see on Facebook.

"Just ate some cheese puffs! Good shit!"

"Watched a movie!"

"Got a hug from my baby boy!"

"Having a glass of wine"

"Got my new haircut, and even went to the gym today. Whew, I'm wiped!"

"Hate my new dress! My ass looks fat in it. :("
I dun like puffs, I prefer crunchy, but if you like puffs and like cheese puffs maybe give hot fries a try.
Try putting your cheese puffs in the fridge and cool - they taste even better when cold i think :)
godamn u americans make me sick

jk good luck bros

we had some awesome shit here in the uk, its called raiders, 10p a packet:


used to love eating them as a kid. Its same texture as cheesy puffs but its got a tangy sour flavor.