cheapest cloud for storing user-generated crap


New member
Oct 5, 2007

I've a fairly popular site where users upload their own stuff and it's filled up my 250gb hard drive on my server at the planet. I'm wondering does anyone have a site like this and what 'solution' (hate that word) did they use?

I was thinking of checking out theplanet or Amazons cloud storage stuff but prices seem a bit steep and from what I can gather, cloud storage seems a pretty homogeneous product, so anyone know cheapest?

cloud storage is SERIOUSLY overpriced. just a fucking buzzword. got a second 1tb hard drive at theplanet for $30 extra a month. and i've 1500gb left bandwidth a month on my server.

1000gb of storage and 1500gb of transfer at amazon s3 would cost $415 a month. if anyone cares.
Pretty much. people always love to say shit like "man you need to get on da cloudz!!1~", but all it takes is whipping out a calculator to show how stupid of an idea it would be. I pay $4000/month or so in hosting, on amazon S3 I would be paying $18,000 a month, and what benefit do I get aside from being a buzzword dickrider?
cloud computing solutions actually are useful for certain types of traffic. consider running a single dedicated server with an intel i7 CPU or running multiple intel atom servers in a cloud. amazons s3 service is very highly priced and they are just catering to the 'buzzword dickrider' market (for the most part).
I pay $4000/month or so in hosting, on amazon S3 I would be paying $18,000 a month,

porno tube site?!

cloud computing solutions actually are useful for certain types of traffic. consider running a single dedicated server with an intel i7 CPU or running multiple intel atom servers in a cloud. amazons s3 service is very highly priced and they are just catering to the 'buzzword dickrider' market (for the most part).

maybe be handy for CPU intensive shit but for pure cloud storage, price per gigabyte stored/uploaded/downloaded, it's a joke
Cluster servers are much more beneficial at load balancing and serving a large amount of simultaneous traffic. If you don't get a absolute huge amount of traffic, then you may not see the benefits over a dedicated server or even a pair of dedicated servers with a load balancer.

So for 90% of the people they hype, Cloud/Cluster servers are pretty much hype since its cheaper to get a pair of dedicated servers with a hardware firewall and load balancer, and a crapload more 'power'.