Changing Page Code Based On Visitors Browser?

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
I'm having a problem with a page I'm designing. I'm using absolute divs to position all of the items on the page, but for some reason the headline is in a slightly different position depending on the browser I view the page with.

It seems only to happen with the vertical placement of the headline. Which is weird because the headline is the only text on the page. Everything else is an image or background and they all are positioned correctly regardless of which browser is used. In Netscape and Firefox it will look fine, but when I view it in Internet Explorer it will be about 15 pixels higher on the page.

Do you think it has something to do with the font that I used (sans-serif) looking slightly different in each browser?

Is there some script that I can use that will change the code based on the visitors browser at all?

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