Changing Image Icons In WP Sociable


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm a WP newbie.

With that out of the way I'm writing an article about adding large social bookmarking icons in WP.

I have a self hosted WP, and I added "sociable" so I could learn how to add larger SB icons to a WP blog.

So far I downloaded a 40x40 Twitter icon, and I've put it into:


From here I renamed the original twitter.png file to twitter1.png, renamed the 40x40 image as twitter.png. From there I changed: sociable img height and width to 40x40.

This is all per instructions I've read, and when I do a test post - the original 16x16 twitter icon appears!

I hope I haven't put too much info here. I'm baffled and need help figuring out why the 16x16 "original" image is still being picked up - even though it's been renamed.

Thanks in advance for any help - again this isn't a live site.


From there I changed: sociable img height and width to 40x40.

Do you mean that you changed the CSS? Open up firebug and make sure that you don't have CSS overriding things and resizing your image. Same thing with your <img> tag, make sure you don't have height and width defined in that declaration or it will override your image sizes.

Also, when it comes to modifying plugins like that, be careful, a lot of times when you upgrade those plugins later everything will be overwritten. Try and account for that if you can.
Thanks dchuk,

I did have the css change to the 40x40 value. Pretty much every document I've found has said to do it that way. It's the <img> tag in the css.

I'll go change the values back and see where that gets me. Any idea why my new image isn't being input to the site? As I mentioned: The new image has been renamed to "twitter" - same as the original icon and in the sociable image folder. I can't see any file upload option between my xxamp and the local WP - I assume the two communicate in real time?

you don't need to upload anything anywhere, just drop the image into the plugin folder where the old one is (wp-content/plugins/sociable most likely)

Once the image is correctly placed and being loaded in the img tag, just tweak the numbers in firebug til everything is correct
Thanks man. I think I was making it more complicated than it had to be. I'll use Firebug to tweak the image once I figure out why the new image won't load.

This link was one of the few bits of info I could find on the topic:

Jazzing Up Yoast’s Sociable WordPress Plugin to Spur More Sharing — Webstractions Web Development

Thanks for your advice dchuk, I changed the values back, and I'll use Firebug once I can get the new image to load - it's still finding the original twitter.png file, even while it's renamed. I'm sure I've just over-looked something.