Changing Host

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New member
Aug 8, 2007
I am in the process of purchasing a couple sites from a guy in the UK and he is using 1 Uk hosting company for one of the sites and hostgator for the rest. I am having problems getting an account set up with this UK hosting company and he is suggesting I just switch the one site over to hostgator.

The main reason I'm buying this site is for it's rankings and I'm concerned that moving the hosting company may affect those rankings. Am I wrong?

I am in the process of purchasing a couple sites from a guy in the UK and he is using 1 Uk hosting company for one of the sites and hostgator for the rest. I am having problems getting an account set up with this UK hosting company and he is suggesting I just switch the one site over to hostgator.

The main reason I'm buying this site is for it's rankings and I'm concerned that moving the hosting company may affect those rankings. Am I wrong?
There's a lot of debate about this right now. Google is definitely trying to pick up on when ownership/sites change due to a sale, and has said they want to "erase" old links after a purchase. I'd definitely try and keep the same hosting after also changing the whois data. Make sure it looks like it's staying the same for a bit.
That all said though, I haven't heard much on how successful they are at detecting this.
There's a lot of debate about this right now. Google is definitely trying to pick up on when ownership/sites change due to a sale, and has said they want to "erase" old links after a purchase. I'd definitely try and keep the same hosting after also changing the whois data. Make sure it looks like it's staying the same for a bit.
That all said though, I haven't heard much on how successful they are at detecting this.

Those were my thoughts. The owner is pushing me to just go with hostgator because it will be quicker but I think it will be worth my time to figure it out with this UK company. As mentioned the primary reason for purchase is the sites rankings so if those drop I've accomplished nothing.

Certainly interested to hear any other thoughts though.
That whole change a site if someone buys it doesn't make much sense to me. So someone buys and they want to erase it's validness as a site just based on ownership? That's rather confusing to me as the site is just as good as it ever was. I think this needs more examination. Dropped domains yes, possibly even pushed domains or domains the change drastically I could see. However just change of ownership I fail to believe is true.
I bought a website with high rankings for its keywords 4 months ago on Google. It was a site that didn't need updating, and the site hadn't been updated in over a year at the time I bought it. However, a week after I had ownership the rankings fell through the floor and went from the first page to 11th page for one of the main kws.

I have since got it back up to the first page with my own SEO tactics and rebuilding more links, but I was still angered by all this. One of the main aspects of the transaction was the fact that the website had good rankings already and my only job would be to maintain that ranking.

Moral of the story: I believe when I made a whois change Google took notice and dropped my rankings. Not proven to be the reason, but there is no other reason for it (lack of updated content was probably not the problem, as I outlined above). Hopefully, the current domain owner has it privacy protected, so you can keep it that way and google will be less likely to notice.
I moved my website from a hosting in UK to a hosting in [somewhere else] last year and I didn't lose any link, pagerank or other. My advice would be to change the DNS first, upload a fresh copy of the site into the new one, and then remove the website pages from the other hosting.

Hope this helps.
I bought a website with high rankings for its keywords 4 months ago on Google. It was a site that didn't need updating, and the site hadn't been updated in over a year at the time I bought it. However, a week after I had ownership the rankings fell through the floor and went from the first page to 11th page for one of the main kws.

I have since got it back up to the first page with my own SEO tactics and rebuilding more links, but I was still angered by all this. One of the main aspects of the transaction was the fact that the website had good rankings already and my only job would be to maintain that ranking.

Moral of the story: I believe when I made a whois change Google took notice and dropped my rankings. Not proven to be the reason, but there is no other reason for it (lack of updated content was probably not the problem, as I outlined above). Hopefully, the current domain owner has it privacy protected, so you can keep it that way and google will be less likely to notice.

When you bought the site did you keep all of the hosting the same or did you change hosts?
When you bought the site did you keep all of the hosting the same or did you change hosts?

I kept the hosting the same. The only changes made to the website was my clickbank id in the site code and changed the whois info over to my info.
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