Changes to the FB Adboard?

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Senior WickedFire Member
Jul 4, 2007
I only see about 1/3 as many ads on the FB ad board now, just wondering if you guys are seeing the same....

if this is from facebooks end then I applaud them for cutting down on copying and keeping ctrs high

Im seeing pretty much the same amount as before. If they just removed the ad board altogether it would make me happy.
Don't really see a difference. If anything the reduction in ads may be due to the weeding out of grant ads.
depends on the demographic, and yea there are no longer 17 grant ads side by side. i agree ad board should disappear if anything.
It seems to be lower for me, but as everyone else has cited, may just be the grants ads being weeded out
Fb adboard for my demographic (male 25+) looks back to normal now.. 10 rows of three ads each row.. not one grant ad.. good..
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