Champagne Content at Beer Prices – – 3 Day Guarantee

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Dare Devil

Not the Blind Superhero
Apr 13, 2010
Rating - 83.3%
5   1   0

Several WickedFire members that I’ve worked with/spoken to know that I have a “go to” team of three American college graduates for the vast majority of my content. The content they write for me includes articles, website content, press releases, and various types of information products including reports and entire ebooks in a wide variety of niches. These information products have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on Clickbank and hundreds of thousands of leads that turn into buyers for affiliate products in dozens of niches.

There are cheaper content providers everywhere. DareDevil Content is not here to compete with them. If you’re satisfied with long wait times, broken deadlines, and content providers that disappear for days at a time due to “emergencies” before they deliver barely legible content, then by all means stick with them.

However, if you want professional content written by college-educated professionals that guarantee delivery within 3 business days or less then give us a try.

DareDevil Content Services:

Website Content/Article Writing

Say “Goodbye!” to your content headaches! Your content is the direct connection between you and your readers. The value of your website content will determine how much trust your readers will put into your website and, ultimately, your products and services.

Current Rates for Website Content/Article Writing

Up to 10,000 words (for example, 20 articles 500 words in length):
$2.00 per 100 words

10,000 words up to 25,000 words:
$1.75 per 100 words

25,000 words or more:
$1.50 per 100 words

*Please note our minimum length for each article is 200 words. When ordering, please specify the topics of each article you would like written and up to two keyword terms you would like each article to focus on.

Press Releases

Tell the world about your website, product, or service with a professional press release.

Current Rates for Press Releases


You work hard to drive visitors to your website! Keep them coming back with your own regularly updated newsletter.

We offer two tiers of newsletter/autoresponder messages. Visit our page for our rates:

Current Rates for Newsletters and Autoresponders

Information Products

Information Products & Ebooks – They’re not just for the “get rich crowd” anymore!

Information Products, Ebooks and special reports have become an integral staple in the world of internet marketing. Ebooks can be as long as traditional books or as short as a pamphlet.

DareDevil Content writers have authored dozens of successful information products that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales!

Do you have a niche site that you are struggling to monetize?

Adsense just not working out for you?

Have one of our information product specialists research, outline, and create a 100% unique, informative information product that you can sell from your site or even give away

Current Rates for Information Products

Up to 10,000 words:
$2.00 per 100 words

10,000 words up to 25,000 words:
$1.75 per 100 words

25,000 words or more:
$1.50 per 100 words

*Please note our minimum length for each information product is 5,000 words.


No one knows copywriting better than DareDevil Content!

DareDevil Content is staffed with experienced copywriters. Simply put, if they haven’t successfully sold online then they can’t write your sales copy. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

You’ve worked hard to select the perfect product, build the perfect website, and make sure that you get the traffic you need.

Now you can be certain your product will sell with the perfect sales copy.

Current Rates for Copywriting Services

We are open to taking orders through our website order form or here, via PM. I can also be reached via AIM at the screen name "DareDevilContent"

I am offering three 500 word articles apiece to two senior WickedFire members. To qualify for the review articles package, please ensure you have been a WickedFire member for at least one year, have at least 100 posts, and at least 10 positive iTrader.
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You spelled "noone" wrong. :food-smiley-010:

Looks interesting. I might contact you next month for some projects.
I got contacted by Dare Devil offering up a review copy, after he got my point that Ben Affleck is the ghey, I accepted the review and let him know that I don't leave cream puff reviews just because I got something free.

So here's my list of what's wrong with the articles:

1. ...

well shit, I couldn't find a single problem.

I was extremely vague about the content (gave a a topic without any specific instructions) because I wanted his writers to have creative control .. I've typically found that you'll be happier with content when the writer can have fun instead of fitting into a specific framework.

Upon receipt, the articles turned out to be exactly what I wanted. Content was lively, well thought out, informative and grammatically correct. I especially liked their style of not stopping exactly at the agreed upon word count. Article length were varied +/- 20% which, once dropped on my site, look and feel absolutely perfect.

The turnaround time was almost instant ... 1 business day. Dare Devil's work is of the highest quality at prices just above overseas outsourcing. Hell, you try to get content @ $1.5 / 100 words and see what the market has to offer. DD content would be a asset to any developer or internet marketer.

Well done boss, I'll be back for more when next time I have a need (which sadly isn't very often).

Disclaimer: I was offered a review, requested to pay and got the offer shot down. Content was provided free of charge in the end.
Firelead, vjstar got your orders and I'll be in touch right away.

erect, thanks for the awesome, honest review.

Thanks to everyone for checking out this thread and considering DareDevil Content!
Article length were varied +/- 20% which, once dropped on my site, look and feel absolutely perfect.

Just noticed this when rereading it ... no articles were delivered at -20% the agreed upon length. All were of over the minimum threshold.

Just wanted to clear that up, I only meant to say that when you order 500 word articles they won't come in at 502, 506 & 510 words
Thanks for the clarification, erect.

We had a flood of orders come in Thursday and Friday so while I like to give turnaround times of less than our three day guarantee (preferably one or two days at the most), a few people will be getting their content on the third day. Now that we're getting in the swing of things and really streamlining our process, we currently have a turnaround time of about 48 hours and that includes the time it takes for me to perform quality control.

I'm performing quality control (proofreading, etc.) this morning and sending out content as I go but I'm happy to say that we're rockin' and rollin' and keeping up with demand nicely.

Thanks to everyone that has ordered thus far! And to everyone else, feel free to PM me and/or message me on AIM (screen name: "DareDevilContent") for your content and copywriting needs!
Dare Devil has gone missing. I paid him $183.75 4 weeks ago. Articles were promised to me on Tuesday 22nd of last month. I got a pm on the 28th of June apologizing and promising articles within 24 hours.

4 weeks later I'm still waiting.

WARNING - use Dare Devil at your own peril.
Dare Devil has gone missing. I paid him $183.75 4 weeks ago. Articles were promised to me on Tuesday 22nd of last month. I got a pm on the 28th of June apologizing and promising articles within 24 hours.

4 weeks later I'm still waiting.

WARNING - use Dare Devil at your own peril.

I just wanted to come in here and say that he never started my job after agreeing to take on the work. I didn't lose money however. Hopefully he puts his shit in order and either returns your money or sends you what you paid for.
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