Celebrity Scam Artist Arrested in New Orleans (Michael Manos)


pink floyd
Jun 12, 2011

Celebrity scam artist arrested in New Orleans | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

The man with platinum-blond hair blew onto Bourbon Street this summer, talking fast and pushing business cards on anyone who would take them. He wore diamond earrings and gold chains, said he intended to buy a $2 million house and pitched a reality TV show called “Bourbon Street.”
He frequented French Quarter gay bars and claimed to be a tycoon with an investment firm headquartered in Switzerland. He would introduce himself to the city, he promised, with a grand, glittering party he called “Indulge,” scheduled for the night of Oct. 24 at the Eiffel Society on St. Charles Avenue.

All lies of course. A pack of fucking lies. Flim-flammed a ton of gullible people in New Orleans. Interesting thing is, he's done this many times before in different cities. And continues to get away with it. Here he is in his younger days:


Here is an article back in 2012 of him fucking up.


All lies of course. A pack of fucking lies. Flim-flammed a ton of gullible people in New Orleans. Interesting thing is, he's done this many times before in different cities. And continues to get away with it.
You seem concerned.